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 發表於 2006-11-8 01:05 AM



 發表於 2006-9-10 08:53 AM



 發表於 2006-9-10 04:44 AM

看來不只把domain 賣人   連主機等相關資料應該都一併給了
因為  我收到下面這封信  然˙後  登入  就入站了 (天ㄚ我竟然記得帳號密碼)
Dear xxxxxxxx,

as of today, 4th of September 2006, the homepage of ShareReactor is back online at http://www.sharereactor.com together with the forums at http://forum.sharereactor.com

The main page is 100% recovered from the day it went offline, whereas the forums are from a backup made on the 29 December 2002.
This means that we lost a bit more than a years work at the forums.
If you registered at the forums during the period where we lost our data, you will not be able to recover your username and all your posts are lost.

The team behind ShareReactor mostly consists of the old administrators, together with a few new people. During our offline period we also lost a few members for various reasons. Among the most noticeable is the discharge of Simon Moon. He sold the domain ShareReactor.com. Simon now has no connection to anything associated with ShareReactor what so ever anymore.

Even though the page has new programmers now, it will continue in its old usual style and design. ShareReactor is still green, and the page will continue to set the standard for edonkey release sites as it started doing back in late 2001.

We are all committed to bringing you, the best quality releases, checked for fakes and all nicely named all for your pleasure. To uphold the quality, our administrators have checked and verified every single one of our old releases. Most of our old work is still accessible to our users. This number really shows how powerful the SR effect was.

Incase you forgot your password or username for the forums; please either use the password recovery option or the search feature. To recover the password, go to http://forum.sharereactor.com/profile.php?mode=sendpassword and have your username and the email address you used to signup with ready at hand. If both fail you will have to create a new user account, but please have a little patience before doing so.

So everyone spread the word. ShareReactor is back, and back to stay! Put it in your signatures, on your messenger, tell your friends and anyone else you can think of.

It is important for us to clarify that this will be the first and last email we will ever send without your request. It has never been our intention to send out spam emails. This time we felt like it was needed to bring this to the attention of our old users.

We would like to welcome every single one of our old users, and potential new users to ShareReactor. We hope you will enjoy it like you did last time, and ask for your patience while we sort out any bugs and technical problems the page might encounter.

Your ShareReactor Team


 發表於 2006-9-9 05:15 PM

當年的 eDonkey 第一大站 ShareReactor, 於 2004 年 3 月被瑞士警方幹掉 --- 算是 P2P 被 "相關" 當局開刀的始祖; 那時候也震撼了不少 user. 站主 Simon Moon 很快的又去 host 了一個 RespectP2P 網站, 本意是要讓網友瞭解這場官司的始末, 後來卻發展成專門追蹤有關 P2P 被打壓的新聞, 並探討 intellectual property vs. p2p 的一個小站 ...

幾天前 (09/04), Simon Moon 宣佈 ShareReactor.com 的 domain 轉賣給他人, 新站主已將 ShareReactor 復站 (又一個不怕死的 ..., 查了一下, 新站在荷蘭). 好熟悉的場景 ... 那個 xxxxNova 不也是 ...

當然, 現在主流的 p2p 已非 bittorrent 莫屬; 驢子, 騾子嘛雖然還是佔一席之地, 不過也是讓人大嘆風華不再. 其實個人倒是蠻喜歡用 edk 的, 因為常常會讓念舊的人有意外的驚喜 --- 譬如說一陣子前貼的 Electric Dreams (神通情人夢); 也找到過真正是冷門的好片像 Ronia, the Robber's Daughter (強盜的女兒, 1985 年柏林影展銀熊獎, 瑞典片, 也沒有出英語配音版, 所以連北美都找不到 DVD or VCD or VCR), 運氣好, 僅有 3 個 source 也下完了. 另外, 因為不明 (其實是心知肚明吧?) 的原因, edk 上的檔案 "生存期" 都很長, 不像 bt, 絕大部份不趁熱吃就吃不到了 ...?

剛復站的 ShareReactor, 新檔還沒有很多, 當年的 archive 倒是不少
有興趣的大大們去 http://www.sharereactor.com/ 懷舊一下吧!

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