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主題: [推薦]天殺的EPL-5800L 在uBuntu 下列印 [打印本頁]

發表人: peter-liou    時間: 2008-7-30 07:11 PM     主題: [推薦]天殺的EPL-5800L 在uBuntu 下列印

小弟在 7.10 DeskTop 上面裝EPL-5800L,雖然系統可以找到,但

Driver 在此

Thanks to a lot of hard work by Hin-Tak and Roberto, it is fairly simple to print PostScript documents to the printer over the parallel port (USB support isn't ready yet). Firstly, download the printer driver from the files section and extract them somewhere suitable. This may be easiest done as root.

su -
<type password>
wget <SourceForge mirror URL>
tar -zxvf epsoneplijs-xxxx.tgz (where xxxx is the current revision)
cd epsoneplijs-xxxx

This will extract the Epson driver source tree to your current working directory and then cd you into the source tree. If you have an EPL5800L EPL5900L, 6100L or 6200L you will now have to edit the ps2epl script that is in your current working directory. A few lines from the bottom you will see the text '-sDeviceModel=EPL5700L' - change the 5700 bit to whatever model you have. Next run './configure' followed by 'make'

./configure (註:如果有錯誤,請先檢查套件 build-essential 有無安裝。)

This will configure the driver for your system and, where needed, tell you about anything your system needs for it to work properly. The 'make' command will begin the compilation process. Now you will have a configured and built epson driver, ready to be installed with 'make install'

make install

For this to work, you will have to have write permission to various parts of the filesystem that normally only root has access to.

Now you have to get your document in PostScript format. A lot of linux applications will readily save their data in PostScript format, whereas some will be able to save it in PDF format. If you have data in PDF format, it can easily be converted with the 'ps2pdf' command from the Ghostscript interpreter system. Once you get your data in PS format (let's call it, you need to convert it into the custom Epson EPL format with the 'ps2epl' command, wich will output the file but with a .epl extension.


Now comes the simple bit...

cat your_file.epl > /dev/lp0

And that's it! Happy printing folks

接下來就看那位能人幫忙寫個常駐, 自動轉換格式並列印.
發表人: dayi    時間: 2008-7-30 08:12 PM

把你要做的動作寫成shell script
發表人: reginald    時間: 2008-7-31 11:13 PM

前幾年搞過linux上的印表機,也是很慘的下場,Epson 9xxx系列。

當時用的是 CUPS + Gimp-Print, 沒驅動程式, 最後放棄了…


CUPS ... ;cof=FORID%3A9#1071

CUPS相關Driver, Linux Printing



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