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主題: [影片] [轉貼]熊vs貓(~氣勢十足的貓~) [打印本頁]

發表人: John.Wei    時間: 2010-6-11 09:38 PM     主題: [轉貼]熊vs貓(~氣勢十足的貓~)

Woman and baby laugh as their house cat fights a bear. The bear is on the porch trying to take the garbage, then the cat chases the bear out into the driveway and gives it a couple of swats on the nose. The bear then takes the garbage and runs into the woods. Neither the bear or the cat were harmed in this video. Who needs a guard dog when you've got a cat.
發表人: Soup    時間: 2010-6-12 09:51 AM

發表人: 迷樣的人物    時間: 2010-6-12 04:11 PM


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