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主題: [3D] [新聞]期待度很高類似Zbrush的雕刻軟體Mudbox   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2006-8-6 11:57 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆



1. Friendly user interface (友善的使用者介面)
2. True 3D camera offering perspective and orthographic views. (真正的3D攝影機提供透視圖等)
3. Maximum usable work space.  (最大的工作環境空間)
4. Multiple object support. (多重物件支援包含匯入燈光與攝影機等)
5. Creative new "Pick" function combined with hotkeys provide a fast and simple workflow for managing multiple objects. (設定快捷鍵加快工作流程)
6. Built in image browser for viewing reference images. (內建圖片瀏覽器)
7. Innovative streaming technology enables you to take further advantage of your computer's grunt. (獨家串流技術使高解析模型得以順利編輯)
8. Node based architecture for further development and potential. (節點式架構系統便於往後發展)
9. Cross Platform. Mudbox currently runs on Windows only, but is built to support Linux and Macintosh platforms as well. (多重平台支援往後將支援Linux與Mac OS)

<3D Layers 3D圖層>
1. The industry's first true production-tested 3D layers. Bringing Photoshop® layer concepts to 3D. Store different detail passes, diverse design directions or libraries of morph targets on multiple layers, blending them with multiplier sliders and layer masks. Sculpt nondestructively using layers and layer masks. (支援Photoshop圖層並可以利用於筆刷, 包含多層遮罩與可調整滑軌等)

2. Selective symmetry. Mirror or flip the detail stored on one or more layers. (對稱選取, 包含鏡射等)
3. Masking. Paintable mask for non-destructive editing. (遮罩, 非破壞性的應用在模型編修上)
4. Layer Management. Duplicate, merge, flatten, group and reorder layers. (圖層控制, 可以複製合併編組等)

<Advanced Sculpting 進階雕刻塑型>
1. Fast high quality brushing in 3D (no projection) on dense models. With Mudbox's new Scratch brush, sculpt at any speed without blobby stamping. The phrase "knife through butter" comes to mind. (影片看這裡: )

2. Brush tip control and precision. Accurately shape the brush tip with falloff curves and stamps. A sharp falloff curve will cut an accurate and sharp stroke into the geometry -- no more soft stroke profiles. (精確控制比刷範圍與衰減程度曲線)

3. 3D Brush Stamps. Stamp image detail directly into the mesh using 3D brush stamps. (3D筆刷圖章工具)
4. NEW "tangent space" symmetry. Sculpt symmetrically on asymmetrical models! This Mudbox first, provides a time-saving and production-tested technique for working efficiently on posed or asymmetrical models. (可以作任意的對稱編輯)

5. Travel inside and through the mesh with your camera and sculpt from any direction and from any distance. (攝影機可以深入模型內部做任何的雕刻與各種方向的編輯)
6. Stencils. Easily and quickly position stencil images in the 3D View over the model and scrub detail into the mesh. (將圖片變換成3D雕刻的細節)

<Multiresolution Editing 多重解析度編輯>
1. Innovative level streaming technology increases the number of polygons up to which a mesh can be subdivided, even on ordinary 32 bit machines. (獨家串流技術可以編輯高量模型且可以被細分)
2. Fully integrated local subdivision for increased efficiency and interactivity. Select an area of the model, subdivide it, and step up and down between levels independent from the rest of the mesh! Subdivide where you want, when you want, and as much as you need.

<Texture Baking 材質預先烘培>

1. Supports baking between multiple arbiitrary meshes. Bake high quality normal and displacement maps between multiple arbitrary meshes. (支援材質與N-Map, D-Map的烘培)
2. Bake detail into 8, 16, and 32 bit maps. (材質預先烘培支援16與32Bits格式)
3. Eliminate faceting with subd to subd extraction. (可以輸出已經細分的物件)
4. Displace meshes with multiple floating point maps.

<Display 即時顯示>
1. New Draft render mode dramatically increases interactivity when navigating scenes with dense meshes. Unlike other solutions, Mudbox Draft rendering works just as great with meshes that have no level history, such as imported dense scan geometry.

2. Smooth normal shading assists while working with coarser meshes by reducing faceting and offering a display more representative of the limit surface, which can help sculptors get more out of fewer polygons.


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