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#1 : 2007-3-18 12:49 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Resources for ESL Students 英文學習

An excellent guide to grammar and the website is available in English, Chinese and Japanese. Also includes an online grammar checker so you can type your sentence or paragraph right on the website and get it proofread.

* Owl Online Writing Lab
Assists ESL students by answering general questions about the English language and grammar problems, idioms, and academic conventions. Includes resources for teachers.

* WritingDEN
Lots of audio clips of paragraphs on different topics for students to listen to and practise their English pronunciation. Click on “tips-o-matic” to find useful explanations of the different parts of a sentence and a guide to write an essay. A frequently updated website.

* Learn English
Games, printable activities, songs and stories on many topics kids will enjoy.

* Wordmania
Lots of easy games for kids and beginner learners of English.

* EFL Reading
Reading comprehension exercises for students learning English.

* Activities for ESL Students
Take all sorts of quizzes to test your grammar, vocabulary, idioms and more. Also contains bilingual quizzes in many languages.

[vincentyu 在  2007-3-22 10:16 AM 作了最後編輯]

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