音樂 單車 人生
@ 2006-9-30 01:15 PM好不容易從一堆光碟中. 找出了 Dan Fogelberg 的 CD.
放在我的 MP3 Player 裡. 做為我單車獨走時的良伴.
平緩自適的曲風. 讓處在大都會裡的我也能與外界的庸擾絕緣.
在外面閒逛了一陣. 總是要準備回家迎接垃圾車的到來 .
耳裡仍是 Dan Fogelberg 唱的 Sweet Magnolia.
原以為輪椅上是他的家當. 就跟現今路上看到的很多遊民一般.
再仔細一看. 原來輪椅上真的坐著個不良於行的老婆婆.
頓時. 好感動.
眼前的這一幕. 耳裡的感人情歌.
為這樣的不離不棄. 白首與共而熱淚盈眶...
時速20公里的世界. 真的不一樣.......
Sweet Magnolia
(And The Travelling Salesman)
by Dan Fogelberg
Two hearts throwing off sparks
Young and in love with our freedom
Moonlight, the soft southern nights
We were both ripe to fall
Well I was out on my own
Playing for all who would listen
And you were as free as a bird
Flying from nest to nest
But somewhere our eyes met
And our hands reached out
And we felt a kindred spirit
And as our faces touched
I could feel the fire
And needed so to just be near it
Oh lord, those moments we soared
Borne on the wings of our passion
It seemed then like they'd never end
But times like that always must '
Cause then one day I flew far away from you
I never knew how I'd regret it
My sweet Magnolia belle you know I've loved you well
Even if I never said it
Magnolia, now I see that freedom isn't free
And love's the only true redeemer
And when this journey's through
I'll be coming back for you
If you'll have this foolish dreamer
I spend a night now and then passing through town on my travels
But someday I'm gonna come back to stay
Magnolia, I'm coming home
3 評論
悠閒的我 坐著公車四處漫遊..
莫名的感動!迴盪心中..... 與您相同
發佈者 : 841099
@ 2006-9-30 11:59 PM
以前上學的路上 , 每天都看一個老太太扶著另一位老先生走路作復健...
從我高一看到高三 ,
高三的某一天 , ...經過...從此再也沒有看過了 ....
發佈者 : Steeker
@ 2006-10-1 07:21 PM
執子之手,與子偕老. 雖然我們常這樣祝賀別人,不過要做起來實在不容易啊.
p.s. 騎單車到處閒逛...真是件有趣的事. 不過在香港, 單車可以去的地方不多....or 不方便. 蠻可惜的.
發佈者 : Vic
@ 2006-10-3 11:08 AM
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