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主題: [新聞]OpenSUSE 11.2 Release (2009-11-12)   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2009-11-11 08:52 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

OpenSUSE 11.2 於 2009/11/12 釋出

元智 ftp ... tribution/11.2/iso/

What's new in openSUSE 11.2?

Under the Hood

openSUSE 11.2 will come with the latest version 2.6.31 of the Linux kernel, the beating heart of every openSUSE system. The file system of openSUSE will be switched to the new Ext4 as well.

openSUSE 11.2 will also include new and updated drivers for your hardware, meaning more and newer devices will work with openSUSE. In addition, special attention has been paid to the netbook market, and new drivers will enable openSUSE to run better on a wider range of netbooks.

On the Desktop

openSUSE 11.2's desktop environments will continue to evolve. In addition to the work of the openSUSE Project in the desktop, openSUSE 11.2 will include the latest versions of the two desktop environments, KDE 4.3 and GNOME 2.28.

KDE users will enjoy the new Firefox KDE integration, KDE4 integration, consistent KDE artwork and all standard applications being ported to KDE4 including KNetworkManager, Amarok, Digikam, k3b, Konversation and more.

GNOME users will notice a fresh new look to openSUSE 11.2 in the windows and user interface, called Sonar.
openSUSE 11.2 GNOME with Sonar theme
openSUSE 11.2 GNOME with Sonar theme

No matter what desktop you choose, openSUSE's web browser and office suite will gain great new features. Mozilla Firefox 3.5 gives users more control over their browsing experience, including a Ctrl-Tab switch between tabs and a private browsing mode. 3.1 delivers even more new improvements to the office suite, such as the ability to carry out a structured conversation through the word processor's commenting functions, and major improvements to the graphics drawing application.

Social Network Support in Applications

Support for social networks like Facebook and Twitter has been added to a number of applications and new applications have been added to the desktop. These applications allow a better user experience than the default webbased interfaces.

    * choqok: New KDE twitter and client
    * gwibber: New GNOME client with support for Twitter,, Facebook etc.
    * kopete: The KDE client now has additional support for Facebook IM protocol
    * social plasmoids: KDE 4.3 comes with plasmoids for Twitter/ and openDesktop

Filesystems and Partitioning

    * The ext4 filesystem is the new default filesystem for new installations.
    * Btrfs, the next generation Linux filesystem, has now a stable disk layout and can be configured in the YaST partitioner.
    * The YaST partitioner has seen many user interface improvements (Add: screenshot of storage graph)
    * It is now possible to encrypt the complete hard disk.

YaST Improvements

openSUSE 11.2 will include a YaST Web interface for easier remote administration of your openSUSE computer as technology preview. We will also, for the first time, officially support live updates to encourage more people to use openSUSE's Factory and report issues.

But the most important change is of course the introduction of Yastie as YaST mascot!

Updates and Downloads

    * Improved download experience with Zypper due to:
          o Better download reliability.
          o Ability to download all software first before installing it.
          o Improvements to the user interface, including an updated software update application in GNOME.


openSUSE 11.2 includes two major updates to how we distribute openSUSE - first, Hybrid ISOs will allow to boot the openSUSE ISO images from USB. We're also retooling the Live-CDs to include more languages, complete local printing (no more having to download software to print!) and the imaging editor The GIMP.

As always, openSUSE 11.2 is set to be quicker, easier, stronger, and more colorful (as long as that color is green).

Stay tuned! We're over a week away from the release of openSUSE, but we encourage you to keep checking this website, as well as openSUSE News for the latest information about everything openSUSE 11.2. Don't forget to follow openSUSE on Twitter for the latest updates as they happen!

[ming220 在  2009-11-15 04:31 PM 作了最後編輯]

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