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主題: [BT][分享]uTorrent 1.7 beta Build 1170   字型大小:||| 
等級: 15等級: 15等級: 15等級: 15等級: 15



 . 積分: 1299
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 . 比例: 0.04
 . 在線: 2562 小時
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 . TWed2k-DVD幫
#1 : 2007-4-12 11:05 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

【軟體名稱】uTorrent 1.7 beta  Build 1170


【工作環境】Windows (All Versions)

【檔案大小】200KB (204,288 bytes)

【MD5 Checksum】73E3C1C851239DEFEF683CFAD065CC11

【更新日期】April 11, 2007


μTorrent 是一款體積超迷你的 BT 下載工具,在體積上與那些動輒數 MB 的 BT 下載工具的差異。由於 μTorrent 的體積小巧,所以即使是在執行時,也不會佔去電腦過多的資源,讓使用者能夠一邊透過 BT 下載,一邊還能夠處理正常的工作。

--- 2007-04-10: Version 1.7 (build 1170)
- Fix: "Move Up" tooltip corruption

--- 2007-04-10: Version 1.7 (build 1167)
- Change: Compact memory when system resources are low
- Fix: Improved UPnP device detection by setting TTL
- Fix: Multiple monitor clipping problem
- Fix: "Duplicate ID" detection
- Fix: A duplicate connection race condition

--- 2007-04-07: Version 1.7 (build 1137)
- Change: ctrl+up/down in torrent list is now ctrl+alt+up/down
- Fix: log scrolling bug
- Fix: & characters in add torrent dialog
- Fix: update disk free in Add Torrent dialog when a new path is chosen
- Fix: Lots of Settings dialog layout fixes
- Fix: Context menu now shows up in the add torrent dialog
- Fix: Items in add torrent dialog are now selected on right-click
- Fix: Display issues with add torrent dialog when there is only one item in a torrent and that item is a folder
- Fix: DHT status and update were switched

--- 2007-04-06: Version 1.7 (build 1111)
- Change: Dynamically load system file and folder icons for add torrent dialog (thus appearing more up to date on some systems)
- Change: Integrate tracker warning with tracker status
- Change: Clip the size of all resizable dialogs to the current monitor on creation
- Change: Will now use custom-drawn checkboxes in add torrent treeview if IE version is less than 4, instead of checking if they are really available
- Change: Never grey out associate .torrent files button in preferences so users can fix existing associations if they want
- Change: Change to how the random port number is selected at startup to avoid it being in use
- Change: Don't create DefaultIcon subkey if maindoc.ico doesn't exist so associated .torrent files have an icon on XP/VISTA if maindoc.ico doesn't exist
- Fix: Get free disk space on 95 varieties if there is no history in the add torrent dialog
- Fix: Previous build incorrectly handled some CLASSES registry keys and didn't remove them properly. This is fixed.
- Fix: Z/tab order of treeview in add torrent dialog
- Fix: UPnP discovery issues)


uTorrent 1.7 beta Build 1170


Language Pack(語言包)

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等級: 11等級: 11等級: 11等級: 11


 . 積分: 347
 . 文章: 593
 . 收花: 2605 支
 . 送花: 2194 支
 . 比例: 0.84
 . 在線: 1572 小時
 . 瀏覽: 50899 頁
 . 註冊: 7204
 . 失蹤: 10
 . Taibei
#2 : 2007-4-17 11:18 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

uTorrent 1.7 beta buidl 1137 版似乎怪怪的,
時常出現沒有 incoming connection 訊息。

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等級: 3等級: 3


 . 積分: 17
 . 文章: 134
 . 收花: 53 支
 . 送花: 198 支
 . 比例: 3.74
 . 在線: 733 小時
 . 瀏覽: 5660 頁
 . 註冊: 8157
 . 失蹤: 661
#3 : 2007-4-21 04:48 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

連至官網看 以經更新至 build 1355

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