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主題: [分享] µTorrent 1.9 alpha 13582   字型大小:||| 
等級: 12等級: 12等級: 12

 . 積分: 454
 . 文章: 2100
 . 收花: 2665 支
 . 送花: 1287 支
 . 比例: 0.48
 . 在線: 5186 小時
 . 瀏覽: 63007 頁
 . 註冊: 8055
 . 失蹤: 16
 . [W.W.E]
#1 : 2008-12-4 04:10 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

這一版本好像改成以後都要強制走UTP路線了...(還是可以自由選擇 走TCP跟UTP並用  或是單獨用 TCP 或UtP)
似乎比較安全比較快 讓ISP抓不到

不過以我強制走UTP 來看 目前是沒有多少人在 UTP在跑 所以速度暴慢....

This build is NOT suitable for general use.

New alpha! The main change is that uTP (UDP torrenting) is added and enabled by default. It also has real-time transfer rate control and latency minimization.
This build will probably download slower than 1.8.1, particularly if the entire swarm is 1.8.1.

--- 2008-12-02: Version 1.9 (build 13582)
- Change: add independent TCP and uTP, and queue length stats to Statistics dialog
- Fix: another fix to trackers stuck in "updating..."
- Fix: PEX address parsing bug
- Fix: New Download message from RSS feed

--- 2008-12-01: Version 1.9 (build 13559)
- Fix: TCP connection queue when using uTP (fixed trackers stuck in "updating...")
- Fix: re-connecting too quickly to peers when using uTP
- Fix: crash/corrupt text with Advanced button in Add Torrent dialog

--- 2008-11-24: Version 1.9 (build 13485)
- Feature: uTP with rate balancing

Download here:

If you have a crash, run the uncompressed build and upload the dump files to

What is not in 1.9:
UDP hole punching (yet?)
UDP tracker

What is in 1.9:
uTP, the micro transport protocol. This UDP-based reliable transport is designed to minimize latency, but still maximize bandwidth when the latency is not excessive. We use this for communication between peers instead of TCP, if both sides support it. In addition, we use information from this transport, if active, to control the transfer rate of TCP connections. This means uTorrent, when using uTP, should not kill your net connection - even if you do not set any rate limits.

What was in 1.8.1:
uTP, but connection attempts were not initiated by default, and there was no control over TCP as described above. You can enable it, but likely you will see the uTP connections not transfering much data, because they are pushed out of the way by TCP.

What this means for rate control:
You are still free to set rate limits and use external limiters. The "Automatic upload rate" control is flawed enough for most people that it will likely be removed once uTP is well tested and deployed, since it entirely supercedes that feature.

How to enable and disable it:
Preferences > Advanced, set bt.transp_disposition to:
255 - both TCP and uTP (default)
10 - uTP only
5 - TCP only

If you are experiencing slow upload or download performance please try 13583, which should generate "socket.log" and "utp.log". You don't need to run it for more than a minute or so once the transfer rates stabilize. Post both log files for us to look at.

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等級: 13等級: 13等級: 13等級: 13

 . 積分: 632
 . 精華: 1
 . 文章: 653
 . 收花: 5309 支
 . 送花: 6358 支
 . 比例: 1.2
 . 在線: 4649 小時
 . 瀏覽: 59309 頁
 . 註冊: 7080
 . 失蹤: 16
#2 : 2008-12-4 11:12 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

目前是用both TCP and uTP去跑,發覺CPU佔用有點偏高(雖說沒多高,但絕對比1.8.1高)
而且用DU Meter去觀察其上下傳,發現一件很奇怪的事
但用DU Meter去看,實際的上下傳卻變成100/200

[chrishikki 在  2008-12-4 11:30 PM 作了最後編輯]

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等級: 11等級: 11等級: 11等級: 11


 . 積分: 347
 . 文章: 593
 . 收花: 2605 支
 . 送花: 2188 支
 . 比例: 0.84
 . 在線: 1572 小時
 . 瀏覽: 50899 頁
 . 註冊: 7102
 . 失蹤: 30
 . Taibei
#3 : 2008-12-4 11:52 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

感覺上 DHT 消耗的頻寬似乎沒有不受使用者指定的上傳頻寬限制,
可試試關閉 DHT, 看頻寬是否仍消耗到 100。

[miholee 在  2008-12-4 11:55 PM 作了最後編輯]

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