wow, give me a new way to do the math^^
I see
he used left part, middle part, and right part to do the number
like the first one is 21*13
just count the right part have 3 digis
left part have 2 digis
middle part have 7digis
so from left to right is 273
this is the answer
then on paper I try 14*11
right part have 4 digis
left part have 1 digi
middle part have 5 digis
then I make the answer for 154
and it is right發表人:
yiumingl99 時間: 2007-1-15 12:35 PM
this time I try 23*45
after draw all those links
right part have 15 digis
middle part have 22 digis
left part have 8 digis
write the number 5 first
then send the 1 to 22 and add it to 23
and send that 2 to number 8 and add them to 10
it give me the number 1035
and it is right
but better to math only around 1-5 number, more than that, such as 99*99, those links will give too much time for drawing發表人:
riven 時間: 2007-1-15 04:47 PM