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主題: [討論] [問題]如何完全關閉autorun [打印本頁]

發表人: mmcatdog    時間: 2007-6-12 12:18 AM     主題: [問題]如何完全關閉autorun

在windows當中 如何關閉autorun功能
另一種說法就是 對該磁碟機按滑鼠右鍵不會出現自動撥放
再說細一點就是windows要如何將autorun.inf檔案視若無物 點兩下不會執行autorun.inf當中的程式

請不要回答gpedit.msc 關閉自動撥放功能
這問題可以解決目前病毒肆虐的問題 請大家都都提供意見
發表人: 好下載    時間: 2007-6-12 01:07 AM

唉..我得隨身碟被暗藏病毒...到處散播 真是罪孽深重
發表人: wugen    時間: 2007-6-12 08:34 AM

group policy 只能改一半, 就是Registry裡的NoDriveTypeAutorun的設定.
另外還有一個是NoDriveAutorun的設定, 可以由TweakUI去改或是自己修改Registry.
發表人: kilo1    時間: 2007-6-12 11:13 PM

XP下忘了確實位置, 在Registry下HKCU/Software/...(...=忘了)
搜尋NoDriveTypeAutoRun這個Key, 將他的值(十進位)改成255
發表人: mmcatdog    時間: 2007-6-13 07:16 PM

TweakUI 經過測試還是會發生執行autorun.inf的現象(2k/xp)
當中的NoDriveTypeAutoRun 變更為255 依舊跟Tweakui相同會出現執行autorun.inf的現象


[mmcatdog 在  2007-6-13 07:19 PM 作了最後編輯]
發表人: 好下載    時間: 2007-6-14 12:15 AM



Data type Range Default value


Disables the Autoplay feature on all drives of the type specified.

Autoplay begins reading from a drive as soon as media is inserted in the drive. As a result, the setup file of a program or the sound on audio media starts immediately.

This entry stores the setting of the Disable Autoplay Group Policy. Group Policy adds this entry to the registry when you enable the policy. If you disable the policy or set it to Not configured, Group Policy deletes this entry from the registry, and the system behaves as though the value is 0x95.

This entry is a bitmapped value. To disable Autoplay on a particular type of drive, set the bit representing that type of drive to 1. To disable more than one type of drive, either set the bits representing each type to 1 or sum the hexadecimal values of the representative bits.
Value Meaning
Disables Autoplay on drives of unknown type.

Disables Autoplay on removable drives.

Disables Autoplay on fixed drives.

Disables Autoplay on network drives.

Disables Autoplay on CD-ROM drives.

Disables Autoplay on RAM drives.

Disables Autoplay on drives of unknown type.
Disables Autoplay on all types of drives.

By default, Autoplay is disabled on network drives and on removable drives, such as the floppy disk drive (but not the CD-ROM drive). The default value 0x95 (149) is the sum of 0x1 (unknown types), 0x80 (unknown types), 0x4 (floppy drives), and 0x10 (network drives).

Change method

To change the value of this entry, use Group Policy. This entry corresponds to the Disable Autoplay Group Policy (User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System).


Autoplay is triggered by a Media Change Notification (MCN) message from the CD-ROM driver. If the Windows 2000 interface does not receive this message, Autoplay does not operate, regardless of the value of this entry. Entries that suppress the MCN message, such as Autorun and AutorunAlwaysDisable also disable Autoplay.

Autoplay is disabled on any drive if the value of NoDriveAutoRun (in HKLM or HKCU) or NoDriveTypeAutoRun (in HKLM or HKCU) is set to disable it. But if NoDriveAutoRun or NoDriveTypeAutoRun appear in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, the corresponding entries in HKEY_CURRENT_USER are ignored.

You can use the Disable Autoplay Group Policy to add CD-ROM drives to the list of drive types already disabled (removable drives, network drives, and unknown drives) or to disable Autoplay on all drives. You must edit the registry to set any other value.


For detailed information about particular Group Policy settings, see the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Group Policy Reference.
For general information about Group Policy, see Windows 2000 Server Help or Windows 2000 Professional Help.
To see a table associating policies with their corresponding registry entries, see the Group Policy Registry Table .

Related Entries

[好下載 在  2007-6-14 05:03 PM 作了最後編輯]
發表人: 好下載    時間: 2007-6-14 12:17 AM

另外...在隨身碟裡面建立一個autorun.inf 的 "資料夾"  似乎就百毒不侵啦...這是傳言...不敢測試說
發表人: wugen    時間: 2007-6-14 11:49 AM ... 93506.mspx?mfr=true

忘了提, NoDriveAutorun 所設定的是控制哪一台可以Autorun(A-Z), NoDriveTypeAutorun則是磁碟機種類.

發表人: drag007    時間: 2007-6-14 11:02 PM

其實只要在放入光碟或插入隨身碟時按住 shift 就可以"暫時"略過 autorun
開機時按住 shift 也可以略過 run 機碼 和 "啟動"內的程式
發表人: bluejim    時間: 2007-6-16 08:22 AM

發表人: aben321    時間: 2007-6-16 12:47 PM

有一個很好用的工具.. 叫 Hide & Lock Disk Drives
請自行用 Google 找關鍵字囉... 「 Hide Lock Disk Drives」

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