* D = 本地接受傳送中的用戶(有需要的文件部份且沒有禁止連接)
* d = 本地請求但被拒絕的用戶(有需要的文件部份但被禁止連接)
* U = 接受傳送的用戶(同D)
* u = 本地拒絕傳送的用戶(同d)
* O = 刷新並接受禁止連接的用戶
* S = 靜態連接(一段時間沒有傳送任何數據的用戶,一般是60秒)
* I = 接入的
* K = 本地沒有需要文件部份的用戶,同時被對方禁止連接
* ? = 對方沒有需要文件部份,同時被本地已禁止連接
* X = 透過Peer Exchange技術連接的peer
* H = 透過DHT技術連接的peer
* E = 對方使用Protocol Encryption(#)(使用all mode)
* e = 對方Protocol Encryption(使用force)
(#)Protocol Encryption (PE)是Azureus跟μTorrent之間共同規格的協議,設計原意是用來繞過ISP對BT的封鎖間共同規格的協議,設計原意是用來繞過ISP對BT的封鎖
# D = Currently downloading (interested and not choked)
# d = Your client wants to download, but peer doesn't want to send (interested and choked)
# U = Currently uploading (interested and not choked)
# u = Peer wants your client to upload, but your client doesn't want to (interested and choked)
# O = Optimistic unchoke
# S = Peer is snubbed
# I = Peer is an incoming connection
# K = Peer is unchoking your client, but your client is not interested
# ? = Your client unchoked the peer but the peer is not interested
# X = Peer was included in peerlists obtained through Peer Exchange (PEX)
# H = Peer was obtained through DHT.
# E = Peer is using Protocol Encryption (all traffic)
# D = 對方有你需要的檔案片段,並正讓你下載中
# d = 對方有你需要的檔案片段,暫時不讓你下載
# U = 你有對方需要的檔案片段,正讓對方下載中
# u = 你有對方需要的檔案片段,暫不讓對方下載
# O = 永樂通道(刺探機制)註一
# S = 冷落反擊 註二
# I = 用戶來源:連入連線
# K = 對方想上傳我已有(或不需要)的檔案片段
# ? = 我想上傳對方已有(或不需要)的檔案片段
# X = 用戶來源:用戶交換(Peer EXchange)
# H = 用戶來源:DHT
# E = 加密傳輸 (all traffic)