#»» 0 - (main title) • Ipfilter v133 (24-01-2009) by R3Qu13M
#>> [based on Meuh6879´s ipfilter format]
#>> Updated all lists (24-01-2009)
#»» Parsed lines/entries:262764 Found IP ranges:262764 Duplicate:0 Merged:0
#» 060 Unallocated Address Space on IPv4 1.476.348.648 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 34,37392%)
#» 070 Bogus AS Advertisements 644.096 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,01500%)
#» 080 Possible Bogus Routes 354.792.708 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 08,26066%)
#» 090 Level1 774.276.558 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 18,02753%)
#» 095 Fake Server 1.237.402 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02881%)
#» 097 Microsoft 1.047.078 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02438%)
#» 107 Tor, proxy list 167.774.122 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 03,9063%)
#» 109 Level2 335.501.052 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 07,81149%)
#» 111 Spyware 244.165 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,00568%)
#» 113 Ad Trackers 369.799 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,00861%)
#» 115 Spider 1.064.924 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,02479%)
#» 119 TempList 149.056 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 00,00347%)
#» 160 Lan range 453.050.138 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 10,54840%)
#»» Total IP Count = 2.534.044.564 (out of 4.294.967.296 IP's or 59,00032%)
#>> Builded to be used with eMule & a private ISP. Fight the Future.
#»» Last ipfilter releases [thx Da GuRu]
# http://www.hostex.de/emule/ipfilter