The Pirate Bay Trial: The Official Verdict - Guilty
This newsmessage is out everywhere from big newssites till local news everywhere in the world:
Just minutes ago the verdict in the case of The Pirate Bay Four was announced.
All four defendants were accused of ‘assisting in making copyright content available’.
Peter Sunde: Guilty.
Fredrik Neij: Guilty.
Gottfrid Svartholm: Guilty.
Carl Lundström: Guilty.
The four receive 1 year in jail each and fines totaling $3,620,000.
You can read the full story here .(thx to torrentfreak)
This is consurning every pirate around the world! The impact on this is underestimated by almost everybody.
Call me paranoia and you probably would be right. Consider this a warning to all the people out there using the pirate bay/mininova and other public trackers/p2p programs like limewire/emule etc. It’s easy enough to protect you just make a little effort.
If you ask me a lot of political and gouvernment influence is involved here. (And not only from Sweden!)
世界最大的 BT tracker / 搜尋引擎 The Pirate Bay 今天初審結果出爐,網站的四位管理人被瑞典法院以「違反著作權法的從犯(accessories to copyright infringement,這樣翻對嗎?)」判有罪,除了每個人被判一年的有期徒刑外,還要賠償 3000 萬瑞典克朗(350 萬美元,約一億台幣多一點)。
當然這只是初審而已,所以象徵意義遠大於實質意義,等到高等法院或甚至最高法院判決下來,可能已經是好幾年後的事了。但做為整個 BT 系統的法律適用性來說,是個很重要的里程碑啊!發表人:
godman 時間: 2009-4-23 10:42 AM