主題: 富士康對孫丹勇事件的回應 [打印本頁]
watchme 時間: 2009-7-28 04:51 PM 主題: 富士康對孫丹勇事件的回應
Foxconn claims employee who committed suicide had history of misplacing prototypes, does nothing for its case
his is one story that only gets more bizarre with each passing day. The 25-year-old Foxconn employee who committed suicide this month, apparently after one of the iPhone prototypes he was responsible for went missing, is now reported to have misplaced other prototypes previous to this instance. According to Foxconn (who spoke with the New York Times), his employer and the company charged with manufacturing all of Apple's handsets, Sun Danyong had had products go missing "several times," but that he had gotten them back. Foxconn itself is the subject of some mystery in all this, after a security officer connected to the company was suspended and turned over to the Chinese government -- apparently in connection with the case. Sun Danyong was reportedly interrogated and possibly beaten after the prototype went missing, though Foxconn and those connected with the company have denied this. Foxconn has confirmed thatSun Danyong's family was paid roughly $44,000 and given an Apple laptop as compensation for his death.
大致上是說 富士康在紐約時報(New York Times)報導中的回應,孫丹勇以前就有多次把原型機搞丟的紀錄,最後還是變回來了!另外富士康支付孫丹勇家人約 44,000 美元的慰問金以及一台蘋果的筆電作為補償。
蘋果你果然帶種,還敢給富士康代工,難怪那麼多山寨 iPhone 抄很大。
[watchme 在 2009-7-28 04:53 PM 作了最後編輯]
lin8lin 時間: 2009-7-29 10:16 AM
[lin8lin 在 2009-7-29 10:17 AM 作了最後編輯]
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