Increase the speed of all your ships:增加艦艇速度
Increase the HP of all your ships:增加艦艇血量
Increase the HP regeneration of all your ships:增加艦艇回血能力
Increase the resistance of all your ships:增加艦艇防禦力
Increase the damage output of all your ships:增加艦艇攻擊力
Increase the weapon range of all your ships:增加艦艇射程
Increase the rate at which ship frames are built:增加船艙建設速度
Increase the rate at which armor plate are built:增加裝甲建設速度
Increase the rate at which weapons are built:增加武器建設速度
Increase the rate at which engines are built:增加引擎建設速度
Lowers the time needed to perform upgrade:降低升級物件需求時間
Lowers the time needed to build ships:降低船艦生產時間
Increase the energy generation of your Ultranought:增加堡壘能量獲取速度
Increase the HP and regeneration of your Ultranought:增加堡壘血量與回血能力
Increase the effectiveness of the 'Regenerate' action:增加再生技能效果
Increase the effectiveness of the 'Charge' action:增加衝刺技能效果
Increase the effectiveness of the 'Barrage' action:增加彈幕技能效果
Increase the effectiveness of the 'Retask' action:增加生產技能效果