We’ve just confirmed an issue that has started to
be reported on newsgroups and forums that after installing Netscape 8
the XML rendering capabilities of Internet Explorer no longer work.
That means that if you navigate in IE to an XML file such as an RSS
feed http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml/rss.xml or an XML file with an
XSLT transformation applied then rather than seeing the data you are
presented with a blank page.
We currently have the following work around for people that are
hitting this issue:
1 Uninstall Netscape 8 (反安裝Netscape 8)
2 START->RUN (開始=>執行)
2.1 Type: regedit (鍵入 regedit)
2.2 Hit ENTER (按Enter)
2.3 Navigate to the following: (按照以下的步驟操作)
2.4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Plugins\Extension
2.5 Highlight and right-click the node titled "xml" and select delete. (對xml按右鍵,選擇刪除)
3 Restart Internet Explorer (重開IE)