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主題: [求助] [求助]在WIN 2003之下要如何更新MODEM的FLASH ROM? [打印本頁]

發表人: m730416    時間: 2005-9-18 05:59 PM     主題: [求助]在WIN 2003之下要如何更新MODEM的FLASH ROM?

小弟有一台U.S. Robotics Courier V.Everything 56K V.90 Business Modem,最近U.S. Robotics有更新Courier的Firmware V.92,它的更新方法如下:

******   U.S. Robotics Courier V.Everything V.92 update  ******

*****   Manual Firmware update   *****
*****  (All Operating Systems)  *****

To send the new code to your modem, all you need is a terminal program that can send files
using the XMODEM protocol.

Start your terminal program. Adjust the settings, if necessary, so you can send AT to your
modem and get an OK response.
Enter ATXMODEM. The modem should respond as follows:

Firmware Update
(1) Read firmware
(2) Write firmware
ESCape Exits

Select "2" to begin updating the code. The modem will respond with:

Ready to receive firmware update

Send the file to your modem using either the XMODEM-Checksum or XMODEM-CRC protocol.
After the transfer is complete, you will see a *TRANSFER SUCCESSFUL* message.
Press ESC. Modem will automatically reset. Firmware update is complete.

- (Windows users only) When the update is complete, follow the instructions in the
  Windows.txt file.

但是我在WINDOWS 2003環境下試了好幾個不同廠牌的Terminal Program,幾乎每一種Terminal Program都抓不到MODEM 的內部設定值(也下不了AT COMMAND指令),自然也無法UPDATE FIRMWARE了!

請問有那一種Terminal Program軟體是有支援WINDOWS 2003的,可以在WINDOWS 2003的環境下 "直接下AT COMMAND" ? 當然也可對MODEM 的 FIRMWARE 做 UPDATE 的動作?

請知道 "方法" 的人幫幫小弟我,謝謝!
發表人: m730416    時間: 2005-9-21 07:39 AM

發表人: 藤原豆腐店    時間: 2005-9-21 09:56 AM

超級終端機也抓不到? 手邊沒modem也無法試...

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