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主題: [討論] [問題] 顯示卡溫度是否過高 ?   字型大小:||| 
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 . Vancouver
#1 : 2008-5-3 03:10 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

It's not overheat, but It can be cooler.
Try to get a better cooling case with more fans when you have money.
I use Intel Q6600 & ATI HD3870 and the temp on standby are about 37 °C ( CPU )
and 50 °C ( CPU ).

In your case, if your CPU & GPU are running 50+°C and 61°C in standby.
I will run 60+°C and 70+°C when you play games, which will shorten the
lift cycle of the process unit. However, if you upgrade your computer every 2 years,
you can live with what you have right now.

Before I change a new case, it runs about 44°C and 61°C. With a better
cooling case it can make a huge temp drop. Lower temp are better for the
Process unit. They just simply last longer.

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