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主題: [已解決]我遇到大問題了~驢子不吃草落跑了...   字型大小:||| 
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 . Vancouver
#1 : 2008-5-21 11:46 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆


PS..怎麼我的電腦老是撐不到一個月就被我重灌...我的電腦有沒有辦法突破三個月不重灌的記錄呀... (應該是說我老是遇到奇怪的問題就想要重灌電腦...)

[deep_dream 在  2008-5-21 12:06 AM 作了最後編輯]

There is a way. Backup your OS every month and always backup two versions :
The best condition one and the most recent one. Compare two version and see which one
you want ( more stable or the most update ) and recovery it when something comes up
( like virus, os slow down, program errors etc. ). Use another month and repeat the same process.

I found out backup two versions of image files is a way better method.

- The first backup will give you a choice to
go back to the most stable version. ( So you should do this when you think your OS is in the best condition like running fast. clean, all programs and setting are updated and correct, no virus and spywares, fine tuned, no errors etc. )

- The second backup will give you another choice to compare with the most stable versions. This version includes everything yoou did in the past month like install and uninstall softwares or some setting changed etc.

At the end of the month, find out your computer's condition. If your OS running fine, delete the second backup and backup your OS again as the second backup. Otherwise, recovery the second backup to see if it fix the problem. If so, use the second backup for another month and repeat the same process. If the problem still not fixed, recovery the first backup.

- Every 6 months to an year, if you think your OS is still in good condition with no virus and errors, backup your OS as the first backup and reset the cycle.

I've been using this method for years and I only reinstall OS once, which is when I upgrade from XP to Vista.
Two week ago, I got attacked by virus and it only took me 10 mins to get my OS back to healthy.
For light users, 2 backups are good enough, but for heavy users, 3 or 4 backups might required.
Since heavy users are like me, always messing around their OS by install new softwares and customize OS etc.

Hopefully this method will help more users to keep their stable OS without reinstall OS and softwares ( Pain in the ass ), and
hopefully someone can translate this method to Chinese so more members from TWed2K can save their OS without " Pain in the ass "

P.S. If you are looking for the OS backup software, Acronis True Image is a good one.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... onis%2BTrue%2BImage

or ... onis%2BTrue%2BImage

[KAILEE 在  2008-5-20 08:53 PM 作了最後編輯]

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