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主題: [3D] [求助]請問要跑Pro/e跟alias改進哪項硬體會比較好?   字型大小:||| 
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~~~~~~~~ DonkeyPunch ~~~~~~~~

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 . 瀏覽: 201815 頁
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 . Vancouver
#1 : 2009-5-27 09:58 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

You should get a better video card.
There is an agpx8 version of ati HD4650 ,
and it should give you a good boost on game
& 3d softwares. However, it costs you about
3000 NTD. Anything lower than 3000 NTD
will not last too long. So I would suggest you
to save some money to get HD4650.

Also, you might also want to add 1 more gig of ram,
when you have more buget. 2G of ram will reduce
the lag issue as well, since 3d softwares will start lag
when it eats up all your memory. ( It will start to eat your
harddrive vitural memory, and that's when it starts the lag issue. )

Good luck, my friend,

[KAILEE 在  2009-5-26 07:00 PM 作了最後編輯]

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等級: 13等級: 13等級: 13等級: 13
~~~~~~~~ DonkeyPunch ~~~~~~~~

 . 積分: 671
 . 文章: 699
 . 收花: 4209 支
 . 送花: 515 支
 . 比例: 0.12
 . 在線: 2802 小時
 . 瀏覽: 201815 頁
 . 註冊: 7242
 . 失蹤: 502
 . Vancouver
#2 : 2009-5-28 01:20 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

You guys.......I believe he already states he is running under budge.
he asks a video card for a price range around 1000 ~ 2000 NTD,
and you guys suggest him to build a new PC for 10000 ~ 20000 NTD ?
What a bad friend..... P4 is good enough to run 3d softwares, maybe not
fast enough for randering.

apencilbox , most of 3d packages are indeed using OpenGL instead of DirectX.
If you don't play game, you can give Quadro a try. Since you can get it so cheap,
it's really worth trying. . Just make sure the one you are buying is a working one.
Cause I remember quadro used to be really expansive, like 800 USD or so.

About your question, even most of 3d applications are using OpenGL,
there are some 3d applications can use both OpenGL & DirectX,
and some use directX only. So my answers is, it depends.
You should go to your 3d application 's website and search more info before you buy
a video card.

BTW, if you don't want to spend money to add 1 more gig of ram, make sure
you save your work every 10 mins, because it's going to crash a lot.......
If you want to add 1 more gig of ram, make sure you save your work every 1 hours,
because there is still a change to crash.....just not that often...XD

[KAILEE 在  2009-5-27 10:34 PM 作了最後編輯]

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