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主題: [討論] [分享]試用Windows 7 Beta Version 6.1 Build 7000的感想   字型大小:||| 
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 . 瀏覽: 201815 頁
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 . Vancouver
#1 : 2009-1-11 10:37 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Vista can be fast if you spend sometime to tune it up.
However, Windows 7 is indeed faster than Vista.

I have Vista installed on my main PC for more than an year,
and Windows 7 beta installed on my 2th PC for a few days.

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~~~~~~~~ DonkeyPunch ~~~~~~~~

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 . 瀏覽: 201815 頁
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 . Vancouver
#2 : 2009-1-11 02:06 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Well, you don't need the aero interface when you are at work.
You can turn off the aero + effects to make Vista fast.
If you want a perfect pretty OS that you need at home, you have to do some tweaks.

XP is a great OS system, but when it first came out, you need to tweak it to
make it fast. Back then, most of the PC can't run XP without upgrade their PC.
So people complained XP and think 98 is better. Few years later, XP rules the world. You can still use 98 or XP these days, but some of the designs gets old. Most importantly, Microsft will stop supports them. Vista requires a lot of computer resource to run Areo and all knids of effects. Once you turn those effects off, You 'll find it's a good OS overall, but everyone wants their OS looks pretty without paying too much to upgrade. That's why Windows 7 start kick in. However, I tested Windows 7 beta on a P4 3.2G machine, and I don't think it can handle 7 beta too well. On the other hand, my Core 2 quad machine handle tweaked Vista like piece of cake. (  With all the effects + movie desktop + VMC + 7 softwares running + 85 background services running without lag. ) So which OS sucks ? P4 sucks !

So, you want a new OS, you need new hardwares. You want to save money, you have to do some tweak.
     You want to buy somthing cheap, you need to spend sometime to ebay it or google it.

P.S. You can try to install XP on a P3 machine and see if it still run that fast without tweaking.

[KAILEE 在  2009-1-10 11:19 PM 作了最後編輯]

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~~~~~~~~ DonkeyPunch ~~~~~~~~

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 . 送花: 515 支
 . 比例: 0.12
 . 在線: 2802 小時
 . 瀏覽: 201815 頁
 . 註冊: 7258
 . 失蹤: 519
 . Vancouver
#3 : 2009-1-11 06:02 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

You can use " TeraCopy " to speed up the copy process.
You can also turn off the UAC to get the full control of it,
but you still need to get into the safe mode if you are going to
replace some system files. Or use unlocker to lock system files.

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