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主題: [討論] [討論]找尋能在 Windows XP x32 下將 RamDisk 做為快取記憶體 的程式 2008-08-21 創   字型大小:||| 
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 . Vancouver
#1 : 2009-2-15 03:33 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

BadCat, ( You know what ? I do have a batcat at home. His name is PP. XD )

You should try the newer version of eBoostr 3.0.
I have 8G of ram and my Vista 32 bit can only detect 3G.
So I use Gavotte ramdisk to get the extra 5G as ramdisk.
Then I use 2G for pagefiles, 1G for firefox cache +  temp,
and 2G for eBoostr. I original use ReadyBoost instead of eBoostr,
but it will crash my system. The newer eBoostr 3.0 support Vista,
as well as ramdisk. Morever, it preforms better than ReadyBoost.
The result is indeed speedup my system quitle a bit. So you might
wanna give it a try.

P.S. However, You have to cache the eBoostr on ramdisk everytime you reboot your PC.
Since ramdisk can not auto save & load huge files by using xcopy fuction of .bat method.
( only small files allows to auto save & load. Even if it does, it will takes forever to boot & shutdown
your PC. ) However, it only takes 1 mins to cache files into ramdisk.
So it wouldn't hurt if you reboot your PC once a month.

Good Luck !

3.0 + 快樂檔 link. ... page%3D3&page=3

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-15 12:45 AM 作了最後編輯]

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#2 : 2009-2-15 09:47 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

You know....My cat is really a bad one.
He is getting old these days so won't cost any trouble now.
However, he used to be a outgoing fight cat and went to Vet ( animal hospital )
quite a lot. I spend nearly 5000 USD on animal hospital from the
past 10 years.......So now you know how bad he was. ( Poor me )

Thanks for the infomation about the Superspeed Ramdisk.
I am going to try it now, and I will report the result soon.

Here is the website I found the file and keygen.

file: ( the keygen from the file is not working, use the one below. ) ... sktop-200811112821/

Keygen that works: ( named : zwt.keygen.exe )

Enjoy !

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-15 07:30 AM 作了最後編輯]

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#3 : 2009-2-16 05:48 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

It works !!!!!!
However, I found it's a bit tricky to set it up.

The first time ( Don't do it ! )

I went to the memory option to get the extra ram which windows can not get.
Then I setup a ramdisk (NTFS) with auto save/load function and add all the stuff  into it.
After reboot, windows keeps crashing and reboot during login.

The second time, ( This is the part you can follow. )

After recovery my OS, I went to setup unmanaged RAM in SuperRamdisk.
( file-> memory-> unmanaged -> configure -> enable unmanaged memory )

1) I create first (FAT32) ramdisk (Y:\) by using advanced wizard, it gives me the ability to setup
an unsavebale ramdisk drive. So it will fits pagefile the best.

2) Then I created second (NTFS) ramdisk (Z:\) by using basic wizard, it gives me the ability to setup
a savable ramdisk drive. I simply click check the "save before shutdown" option and set the image file
on ( D:\ ). So it will be useful for saved contents like eBooster cache file, temp, firefox cache and IE cache.
( or anything you want to save of course. )

Reboot and ............. Evertime works great.

P.S. Keep in mind to leave the save/load content as small as possible, to
reduce the shut down/boot time. Since you will be saving the ramdisk content
during shutdown and loading the content during boot

Done ! Now I have an autoload eBoostr that will use ram to cache programs & files.
I thnk the same method can also apply to using ramdisk on readyboost, without
losing cache files after reboot.

Try it yourself and you'll find it speeds up your PC a lot.

Once again, thanks to badcat for introducing the SuperSpeedRamDisk Plus.
You are a good cat after all, aren't you ?
Stop calling yourself a BADCAT !  

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-15 06:41 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#4 : 2009-2-16 09:20 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

How to make an unsaveable ramdisk:

Before you setup an unsaveable ramdisk,
go to option, and choose use advanced wazard.

Then add a ramdisk -> next -> choose size -> next -> next
-> make sure create a partition table & create a partition table entry check on
-> next -> choose drive letter & select FAT32 -> check Use associated image file
-> choose a drive to storaged a location of associated imahed file
( this will allow you to storage ramdisk's drive letter & infomation only )
-> next -> done. Now you have a unsaveable ramdisk drive.

you can put pagefile.sys into this unsaveable ramdisk, as well as temp + firefox + IE
cache if you don't want to clean them yourself. They will be gone everytime you restart
your PC.

I would suggest you to use a savable ramdisk only with the eBoostr 's cache,
or anything you really want to keep. Keep the save/load content as small as possible will
reduce the shut down/boot time. Since you will be saving the ramdisk content
during shutdown and loading it during boot.

Enjoy !

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-15 06:43 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#5 : 2009-2-18 08:07 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Hi ilovegigi  ,

To get the extra PAE ram, please follow the below instruction :

Open SuperRamDisk Plus -> go to file -> momery -> click unmanaged
-> then choose configure -> click enable use of unmanaged memory
-> leave the rest of the setting and click OK -> Close.

Now if you got the PAE ram, you will see the infomation under
Momery information :
look for the momery available :
Estimated total memory available:

If you have 4G of ram, here is what you should get : ( Values might be differnet )
Node        Available Memory (MB)
0        4096MB ( total ram you have)

Estimated total memory available:
    Windows-managed         3328 MB ( Windows detected RAM )
    Unmanaged        768 MB ->( PAE RAM you got )
    Total                        4096 MB -> ( total ram of Windows RAM + lefted  PEA RAM  )

The System Management BIOS reports 4096 MB of
main memory installed in the system.

Now you have 768 MB PAE RAM to create as many RAMDISKs as you want ,and
once you used all of PAE RAM, here is what you should have from the Momery information :

Node        Available Memory (MB)
0        3328MB ( total ram you have )

Estimated total memory available:
    Windows-managed         3328 MB ( Windows detected RAM )
    Unmanaged        0 MB ->( you used all the PAE RAM )
    Total                        3328 MB -> ( total ram of Windows RAM +  lefted PEA RAM  )

The System Management BIOS reports 4096 MB of
main memory installed in the system.

Great ! Now you have used all the PEA RAM and still have 3.3G of RAM for Windows.

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-17 05:11 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#6 : 2009-2-18 08:31 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆



That's why you need the SuperRamDisk Plus to autoload the eboostr 's cache.

Script does nor work with the system files like eboostr's cache, as I already tried that before.
So you will end up 每次開始要再重跑一次製作的流程, if you use Gavotte Ramdisk.

The way it works is,
once you add ramdisk as eBoostr's cache device, SuperRamdisk Plus
autosave eBoostr's cache files into harddisk everytime you shuntdown or restart you windows.
Once you start reboot your PC, SuperRamdisk Plus autoload the cache files of eBoostr before
get into windows. Once you are in Windows, eBoostr loads it's cache files and boom,
everything speed up as you load the cache files as ram speed. Also, everyfiles you read before
will save to eBoostr 's cache. So those files will be running as ram speed as well.
( We called it disk cache. )

You can also use eBoostr to add preload programs like firefox, eMule etc.
So everytime you reboot your system, eBoostr preload those programs as well. ( As ram speed )
So, for my system specs, I open firefox within 1 secs and eMule within 4 secs, even when I just restart
my Vista. ( it used to be 3 secs for firefox & 10 secs for eMule. ) Also, Vista Media Center loadtime drop
from 8 secs to 4 secs.

Here is the system specs I have :

OS : Windows Vista Ultimate
CPU : Q6600 OC 2.88G
Motherboard : P5K-V
RAM : DDR-800*8 (8G)

P.S. Sorry for the english instruction, because I don't know how to type chinese.
       I will try to write an easier instruction later on, and it would be great if badcat
       can translate it.

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-17 05:55 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#7 : 2009-2-19 12:15 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Yes, that's correct ! It can also save the content of the ramdisk automatically
( include huge system files.), which is what Gavotte can not do.

P.S You can even create as many ramdisks as you want,
      which Gavotte can only create one ramdisk.

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-18 09:17 AM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#8 : 2009-2-20 02:55 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Did you use the Gavotte Ramdisk before ?
If you do, you have to uninstall Gavotte Ramdisk first.

If you didn't,
Can you show me the config screen capture ?

here is mine :

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-19 12:01 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#9 : 2009-2-21 01:03 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Thanks to Kitty for the translated, organized & tested.

One quick update,
I tested SuperRamdisk Plus in Windows 7 beta on my 2th computer with
no luck, seems Ramdisk Plus can only support up to Vista. So you can only
use Gavotte Ramdisk to get the PAE ram for pagefile ( Here you go, here is
one reason to use  Gavotte Ramdisk instead of Ramdisk Plus. ), and use system ram
for eBoostr's ram disk cache. Hopefully Ramdisk Plus will support Windows 7
when it came out.

As for SuperCache II, Vista & Windows 7 both have Superfetch,
which is doing the same like SuperCache II. The only downside is, you can not
set the ram size you want to do the disk cache.So it eats up as many as it can to do the
work. However, you should not worry about it, Superfetch will return your ram when
you need more ram to run those ram monster softwares or games.

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-20 10:06 AM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#10 : 2009-2-21 02:21 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

So far SuperCache II is only support XP, I believe it's because of the built-in superfetch
in Vista & 7 is taking SuperCache II's job already with no extra cost.

I use Windows 7 & Vista 32 bit instead of 64 bit is becuase,

1, Video decoding issues under media center 64 bit.

2, 32 bit software issues under 64 bit OS like 3D & Audio recording + composing softwares.

3, Lots of driver issues under 64 bit OS like creative for one.

4, Games compatibility.

5, 64 bit is not much faster than 32 bit as a lot of softwares are design for 32 bit OS.

And the reason I stop using Windows XP 32bit is really simple.
Those fxxking bugs just don't go away. It's a great OS but with too many bugs that
you won't be able to fix the whole thing. You will end up reinstall it every couple years.
It's not even recoverable. I've encounting many bugs that I can't fix, even pairing with
AcronisTureImage. In the end, I valued XP as a great OS but can not last for many years.

I've been using Vista 32bit for more than 1 years and so far, there is nothing I can't fix.
There is always a reason for an error, and I can always track it down and fix it. So to me,
Vista is controllable than the buggy XP, even though Q6600 perform a god speed under XP. XD

Of course, if I find out Vista or 7 is still a buggy OS in the next few years, I will get a MAC than.

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-20 11:32 AM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#11 : 2009-2-23 07:31 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

ilovegigi ,

Did you have the Memory Remap Feature in your BIOS ?
Some motherboards requires to enable it in order to use PAE.

For example, My Asus motherboard P5K-V require me to go to Advanced ->
Chipset->North Bridge Config and enable the Memory Remap Feature.
However, My Gigabyte motherboard on the other computer will enable it

First, check your BIOS to see if you have this setting or not !
Or check your motherboard's maunl and try to find this setting.
You can either post the motherboard infomation and I can help you out,
or you can try it yourself. ( P.S. Some old motherboards doesn't support PAE. )
If you do find the Memory Remap Setting, enable it.

Seems SuperRamdisk Plus doesn't require you to edit boot.ini to enable the PAE.
It use it's own way to grap PAE Ram, so I really think you haven't enable the PAE
fuction in BIOS, which is why you will never get PAE in windows. The pic you show
is incorrect, it only shows the windows system ram 2960MB, and your total ram is
4096mb. So where is the rest of the 1136 MB unmanaged PAE RAM ? Therefore,
you didn't enable the PAE ram....... Go to your BIOS to enable the PAE and try it again !

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-22 05:16 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#12 : 2009-2-23 07:45 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆


Looks carefully to my pics of the memory infomation,

I have one extra infomation line : unmanaged =  2MB,
If you open the PAE correctly, you should get 1024MB for that line ( 4G RAM ).
Mine is showing 2 MB because I used all my 4866MB PAE RAM into 2 ramdisks.
It was info like : unmanaged = 4866MB, before I created any ramdisk.
This line is basically tells you how many unmanaged ram you can use for ramdisk.
In my case, I should use all 4863MB to ramdisk so I won't waste all my 8192 ram under
32 bit windnows.

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 . Vancouver
#13 : 2009-2-23 08:05 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆


eBoostr  will not speed up your game,
It will mostly save your system's file & the files you used a lot onto
隨身碟, ram or ramdisk for disk cache. Seems games are not part of
the system files and usually more than 4G of harddrive space required,
eBoostr will pass it and do nothing about it. Remeber, eBoostr will not
turn your 隨身碟 into ram. So if you want more ram,
you have to buy and install more ram.

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 . Vancouver
#14 : 2009-2-25 12:29 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

In this case, it should be your boot.ini issue.

try change your boot.ini to this :

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=alwayson /pae /fastdetect /usepmtimer

P.S. refer from
P.S.2 If the above boot.ini is not working, try changed the red words to
/noexecute=optout /pae

[KAILEE 在  2009-2-24 09:43 AM 作了最後編輯]

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 . Vancouver
#15 : 2009-2-27 03:31 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

yang3642寫到: (因為看到有些說明說此軟體能把隨身碟當虛擬記憶體)

That's totally wrong... They just don't get it.

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