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主題: [貼圖] [轉貼]沒錢買筆記型電腦? 自己動手做!!   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2007-6-10 12:53 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

讓我想到之前看過asus在computex 2007發表木頭電腦一樣

COMPUTEX 2007:華碩擁抱木、竹材質

華碩的筆電一向強調與眾不同的品味及設計,因此在去年皮革材質在市場上獲得相當的迴響後,今年華碩將眼光放到了「竹」、「木」等自然材質上。現場除了有兩台以竹皮包覆的「改良版(加了 Webcam)」的 W1之外,還有兩台設計特別的概念筆電,將筆電視同家俱的一部份,而不是突出在家俱之外的異物。


Besides the three concept models seen earlier in the show, Asus showcased more of what to come in a press event this afternoon. The wooden and bamboo "faceplates" are just concept demos for now, but it does show that these materials are even more flexible design-wise then leather, and Asus is showing no hesitation in pushing these designs to the limits. The fragile looking plates are actually fixed onto a magnesium-alloy frame, so strength shouldn't be a problem. Click through the gallery for more designs!


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