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主題: [求助] [問題]windows 7 -資料夾自動整理-要怎麼停止???   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2012-8-16 04:13 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

I just updated my computer to windows 7.
I have a problem about icon on "Desktop".

Every time when I open a files such as "Excel", after I change and save the files.
Then it will auto move to the left side.
Anyone know how to slove this problem?

I finally find how to make "Icon" stop moving on "Desktop".
Just move all files in a folder, then create shortcut for them.
then move those "shortcut files" to "Desktop".
Everytime you chance something on files, they auto move in that folder, doesn't move your shortcut Icon.

I know it is kind of stupid to do one more step to aviod auto move files, but no choice
anyone have good idea on it?

[yiumingl99 在  2012-8-16 11:16 AM 作了最後編輯]

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