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主題: [求助] [求助]如何更新modem firmware?   字型大小:||| 
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 . 天國
#1 : 2007-10-18 08:27 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

[求助]如何更新modem firmware?

******   U.S. Robotics Courier V.Everything V.92 update  ******

*****   Manual Firmware update   *****
*****  (All Operating Systems)  *****

To send the new code to your modem, all you need is a terminal program that can send files using the XMODEM protocol.

Start your terminal program. Adjust the settings, if necessary, so you can send AT to your modem and get an OK response.
Enter ATXMODEM. The modem should respond as follows:

Firmware Update
(1) Read firmware
(2) Write firmware
ESCape Exits

Select "2" to begin updating the code. The modem will respond with:

Ready to receive firmware update

Send the "xmf" file to your modem using either the XMODEM-Checksum or XMODEM-CRC protocol.
After the transfer is complete, you will see a *TRANSFER SUCCESSFUL* message.
Press ESC. Modem will automatically reset. Firmware update is complete.

My Modem Model is 3CP3453 USROBOTICS 56K Courier V.Everything Modem.
My OS is Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit.

I have questions as below:
I saw your web site Download Firmware update version 2.2.05 ( yesterday.
But I used many Telnet Software still cannot update Firmware.
Do you know what should I do or use what kind of telnet Software to update my modem Firmware?
Thank You!

我有試過NetTerm v5.20i terminal software, NetTerm v5.20i 有找到 my modem,
可是我在NetTerm v5.20i 輸入 at7 or atxmodem command 的時候, NetTerm v5.20i 都沒有出現任何反應。
我在NetTerm v5.20i 輸入 atxmodem command 之後,我馬上用XMODEM protocol upload main2205.XMF firmware file to modem, My modem 也沒反應,
modem 也沒有出現正在接收 main2205.XMF firmware file 的訊息。我輸入 at7 command, NetTerm v5.20i 也沒有出現 modem information 訊息。
所以我才會問你們說,在Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit 作業系統之下,要用何種terminal or telnet software?

是否NetTerm v5.20i 在設定上有問題? 還是因為NetTerm v5.20i是試用版,沒有註冊,所以有些功能沒開放?

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等級: 12等級: 12等級: 12

 . 積分: 503
 . 文章: 1534
 . 收花: 2982 支
 . 送花: 141 支
 . 比例: 0.05
 . 在線: 349 小時
 . 瀏覽: 6710 頁
 . 註冊: 8150
 . 失蹤: 5406
 . 天國
#2 : 2007-10-19 09:23 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

我昨天有改install HyperTerminal Private Edition V6.3 Terminal Software.

When I enter ati7 command , HyperTerminal Private Edition V6.3 有 appear modem profile information message:
USRobotics Courier V.Everything Configuration Profile...

Product type           US/Canada External
Options               HST,V32bis,Terbo,VFC,V34+,x2,V90
Fax Options            Class 1,Class 2.0
Clock Freq             25 Mhz
Flash ROM             512k
Ram                  64k

Supervisor date        03/13/98
DSP date              03/13/98

Supervisor rev         7.3.14
DSP rev               3.0.13

Serial Number         21FZB2O7D2XT


But When I enter atxmodem command and start XMODEM protocol upload main2205.XMF firmware file to modem, It still had no any reaction and no any receipt message of main2205.XMF firmware file.
也沒有出現下面的準備receipt message of main2205.XMF firmware file:
Firmware Update
(1) Read firmware
(2) Write firmware
ESCape Exits

依你從modem profile information message來看,my modem是否可以用software update的方式來做到update Firmware V2.2.05?

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