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主題: [心情日記] 玩開心水族箱、被盜刷信用卡   字型大小:||| 
等級: 12等級: 12等級: 12


 . 積分: 352
 . 文章: 594
 . 收花: 2621 支
 . 送花: 665 支
 . 比例: 0.25
 . 在線: 1663 小時
 . 瀏覽: 34336 頁
 . 註冊: 7055
 . 失蹤: 3
#1 : 2012-6-11 02:16 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

5月31日開始玩、開心水族箱、然後用信用卡購買: 50 元寶NT$151 TWD、過幾天說要多花39元寶 就可以在送其他寶物、然後又花了、NT$303 TWD、6月10日剛好是我生日、寄了一個e-mail說
日期: 2012年6月9日 22:28 購買: 52,000,000 籌碼 應用程式: 德州撲克 總金額: NT$747 TWD



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等級: 12等級: 12等級: 12


 . 積分: 352
 . 文章: 594
 . 收花: 2621 支
 . 送花: 665 支
 . 比例: 0.25
 . 在線: 1663 小時
 . 瀏覽: 34336 頁
 . 註冊: 7055
 . 失蹤: 3
#2 : 2012-6-11 09:32 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆


We have investigated your account and believe it has been compromised. All purchases made while the account was compromised have been refunded to the appropriate source. Please note that refunds can take 3-5 working days to reach your account. The next time you log in, you will notice some steps to help you regain control of your account. Please adhere to the following guidelines to help ensure the security of your account in the future.

1. Secure Email: Since anyone who can read your email can probably also access your Facebook account, you should make sure that any email addresses associated with your account are secure. To ensure security, you should change the password for all of your email accounts and make sure that no two are the same. By varying your passwords, you can greatly decrease your account’s risk of being compromised in the future.   

2. Log in at Accidentally entering your login credentials on a fake Facebook login page can put your account security at risk. Make sure that when you access the site, you always log in from a legitimate Facebook page with the domain. Do not click any unfamiliar links and do not run any executable files (files ending in .exe) on your computer without knowing what they are. If something looks or feels suspicious, go directly to to log in.  You should also be suspicious of any messages sent to you purporting to be from Facebook or an application developer asking you to login to claim a prize or validate your account.

3. Password Protection: Please do not give out your login information to anyone for any reason. You should select a unique and complex password for your account and keep this entirely to yourself. Be sure that you use a complex string of numbers, letters, and punctuation marks that is at least six characters in length. It should also be different from other passwords you use elsewhere on the internet.

4. Private Browsing: Please make sure that you log out of your Facebook account and quit your browser when you’re done using the site. This is especially important when using a public computer or someone else's mobile device. You should also never check the "Remember Me" box when logging in from a public computer, as this will keep you logged in even after you close your browser window.  

5. Security Question: If you have not done so already, you should add a security question to your account from the Account Settings page. You should choose a question and answer that you will remember, and no one else should be able to answer the question that you choose.

6. Run Anti-Virus Software: If your computer has been infected with a virus or with malware, you will need to run anti-virus software to remove these harmful programs and keep your information secure.
For Microsoft

For Apple

7. Learn More: You should visit the following page for more information about Facebook security and how to report suspicious material in the future:

If you continue to experience security issues, let us know and we’ll investigate further. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Risk Operations

-----Original Message to Facebook-----
To: The Facebook Team
Subject: Facebook 幣支援中心 - 未經授權的收費 - 信用卡

Account confirmation: correct_account
Do you know who made this charge?: unauthorized_charges_unknown
This is the purchase history on your account from the last 60 days: Array
Make sure you have selected the orders that apply, then select: unauthorized_charges_ownAccount_unknown
Type of credit card the charges were made on: cc_used_visa
Please provide any other relevant details: 747元這筆金額、我沒消費這麼有這筆請款

-----End Original Message to Facebook-----

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