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主題: [其他] [轉貼]智慧填補不了道德的空白   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2010-12-12 08:50 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Not true !!

Not buying ticket is a civil offense ... Not the Criminal offense. Companies either in US or EU can and only allow to check the criminal record.

I personally got caught once for not paying the ticket .... Because my month ticket was only allowing me to travel Geneva for free not in Lausanne which I thought I can since is same transportation company.

Before I moved out Geneva, I checked my record with public office, there is no such a record. The only possibility is that chinese guy didnt even bother to pay his fines .....

On the other hand, I know so much high school kids got caught for not paying bus ticket. In that sense, Swiss should have more than 25% of students who will never be able to find a job in their life ....

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