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主題: [其他] 凡喜看淫書者,三次,減壽半月!   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2010-7-5 09:25 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

How come I am still alive?

Assuming that I can live until 100 years old .....

I start to get interested in girls when I was 11-year-old, on average, I look at girls 3 < N < 15 times a day either in the school, on the street, at coffee shop, in the restaurant, at bar, or sometimes internet. Then taking average (15-3)/3 = 4 => 4 times 1/2 month. I lost two months perday.

Taking year 365 * 2 = 730 Months /12 .... Almost 61 years .....

11+ 61 = 72 ....

(100 - 72) = 28 years => 28*12 = 336 months => 336/2 = 118 days ....

Then, by assumption, I should be dead around 12 years and 118 days old ......

I guess I should be glad that I am not dead yet .... (27 Years Old Now ..... and STILL thinking everyday ...... )

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