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#1 : 2007-5-17 11:42 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

MetFileRegenerator v3.0.16 is now available. It provides support for files larger than 4GB and better support for files with unicode names. See the changelog for more details. This will most likely be the last version of MFR to require v1.4. The next version (v3.1) will require Java v1.5 in order to install and run. If any major bugs are found and fix I may release an upgrade to this version which runs on Java v1.4.

This version also breaks support for large files in eDonkey/Overnet clients prior to v0.49. It was an unfortunate result of adding large file support, but it only affects files that are within 9MB of 4GB so I didn't think it was a huge concern given the age of those clients and the limited scope of the problem.


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