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主題: [發現]eMule Xtreme 6.1   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2007-8-5 07:22 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

下載 ... 0.48a-Xtreme6.1.rar

- added AJ-community-detection by userhash* (by anonymous anti-leecher)
* this option will detect and ban really a lot of bad mods!
- added filefaker check
- added T-DSL 16000 to the wizard

- improved NAFC adapter finding: find the right adapter even with exotic network configurations
- improved wizard to choose better download / uploadlimits
- improved: prevent busy popup during windows startup (leuk_he)
- improved: kadliscontrol: show the filename immedately
- a lot of other small improvements

- changed: skip loading of saved sources if you only allow obfuscated connections
- changed: for uploadlimit > 16 one more Low-ID client is allowed to enter the upload
- changed: do not ask exit from command prompt (leuk_he)

- fixed official kad bug under vista (leuk_he/godlaugh2007)
- fixed an official crashbug when shutting down while AICH-Syncthread is running
- fixed an official crashbug: reapplied division by zero fix at taskbarnotifier
- fixed a bug when changing ports but don't restart emule
- fixed an UPNP bug
- fixed an official bug: sometimes banning didn't work properly
- fixed a bug if you got a IP with ends with 0

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