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主題: [貼圖] Can you see what's behind this painting?   字型大小:||| 
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 . Taipei
#1 : 2009-5-28 10:01 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

其實不太好翻譯, 看到第2張圖的鋼管上的畫面就明白了!

Can you see what's behind this painting?
The picture below is from a painter for many years ago. (這圖是出自多年前的一位畫家)
For many years nobody knows what he wanted.(多年來大家不知道這張圖要表示什麼)

Until one day a man shows up...(直到有一天有個人
He puts a metal pillar and then left.... ( 他將一根鋼管放在圖的上 )

The original author is incredible!
The one who solve this Mysteries is even more incredible!
Maybe the later is the Descendants of the former.

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