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主題: [貼圖] 研究顯示喝醉酒和練瑜伽是一樣的   字型大小:||| 
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 . Taipei
#1 : 2009-10-2 05:17 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆


Savasana:Position of total relaxation.   

Balasana:Position that brings the sensation of peace and calm.   

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:This position calms the brain and heals tired legs.  

Marjayasana:Position stimulates the midirift area and the spinal comumn.   

Halasana:Excelent for back pain and imsomnia.   

Dolphin:Excelent for the shoulder area, thorax, legs, and arms.   

Salambhasana:Great excersice to stimulate the lumbar area, legs, and arms.

Ananda Balasana:This position is great for masaging the hip area.  

Malasana:This position, for ankles and back muscles.  

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