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主題: Total Commander hotkey, shortcut, 熱鍵、快速鍵、命令列 中文翻譯 2014-10-24   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2014-9-11 10:32 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Total Commander hotkey, shortcut, 熱鍵、快速鍵 中文翻譯 2014-09-11

因 貓 是「破英文」,所以是用「Google 翻譯 + 測試經驗」,若有翻譯不週到的地方,還請不吝指正。

2014-10-24 訊:有修正「鍵盤配置」部份說明,及新增「命令列參數」。

翻譯時的版本:Total Commander v8.51a

Donwload WEB:
Download link:

正體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
Updated by sky 2014/3/3

本文開始:Total Commander / 說明(&H) / 鍵盤快速鍵(&K) (TOTALCMD.CHM::/keyboard.htm)

Keyboard layout

Key Action

F1 Help
F2 Reread source window
  (重新整理來源視窗。) (譯註:跟 Ctrl+R 鍵的效果一樣。)
F3 List files
F4 Edit files
F5 Copy files
F6 Rename or move files
F7 Create directory
F8 or DEL : Delete files to recycle bin /delete directly - according to configuration
  (刪除檔案到 資源回收筒 / 直接刪除 - 根據選項而定。)
F9 Activate menu above source window (left or right)
  (啟動來源視窗的上方「選單」功能表 (視左或右視窗的上方側選單)。)
F10 Activate left menu or deactivate menu
ALT+F1 change left drive
ALT+F2 change right drive
ALT+F3 Use alternate (external or internal) viewer
  (使用替代 (內部或外部,端看選項設定值) 檢視器。)
ALT+SHIFT+F3 Start Lister and load file with internal viewer (no plugins or multimedia)
  (使用內部檢視器開始載入並檢視 (無外掛或多媒體功能)。)
ALT+F4 Exit | Minimize (with option MinimizeOnClose in wincmd.ini)
  (結束 | 最小化 (端看 wincmd.ini 中的 MinimizeOnClose 選項設定)。)
ALT+F5 Pack files
ALT+SHIFT+F5 Move to archive
ALT+F6 Unpack specified files from archive under cursor, or selected archives (use Alt+F9 on Windows 95)
  (解壓縮 壓縮檔中游標所在的檔案,或是選取的壓縮檔 (在 Windows 95 中請使用 Alt+F9 鍵。)
ALT+F7 Find
ALT+SHIFT+F7 Find in separate process
ALT+F8 Opens the history list of the command line
ALT+F9 Same as ALT+F6 (because ALT+F6 is broken on Windows 95)
  (跟 ALT+F6 鍵是相同的 (因為在 Windows 95 中 ALT+F6 會崩潰)。)
ALT+SHIFT+F9 Test archives
ALT+F10 Opens a dialog box with the current directory tree
ALT+F11 Opens left current directory bar (breadcrumb bar)
  (開啟左視窗的目前資料夾列 (路徑導航列)。)
ALT+F12 Opens right current directory bar (breadcrumb bar)
  (開啟右視窗的目前資料夾列 (路徑導航列)。)
ALT+SHIFT+F11 Focus the button bar to use it with the keyboard
SHIFT+F1 Custom columns view menu
SHIFT+F2 Compare file lists
SHIFT+F3 List only file under cursor, when multiple files selected
SHIFT+F4 Create new text file and load into editor
SHIFT+F5 Copy files (with rename) in the same directory
SHIFT+CTRL+F5 Create shortcuts of the selected files
SHIFT+F6 Rename files in the same directory
SHIFT+F8/DEL Delete directly / delete to recycle bin - according to configuration
  (直接刪除 / 移到資源回收筒 - 根據選項而定。)
SHIFT+F10 Show context menu
  (顯示 Windows 的「快捷功能表」。) (譯註:跟 Application key 選單鍵同效,似乎在 Total Commander 中按 Shift+F9 也同效?)
SHIFT+ESC Minimizes Total Commander to an icon
  (最小化 Total Commander 視窗。)
ALT+left/right Go to previous/next dir of already visited dirs
ALT+down Open history list of already visited dirs (like the history list in a WWW browser)
  (資料夾歷史清單,會顯示曾經拜訪過的資料夾 (就像網際網路瀏覽器歷史清單)。)
NUM + expand selection (configurable: just files or files and folders)
  (選取群組 (視「選項」設定:只有「檔案」或「檔案及資料夾」)。)
NUM - shrink selection
NUM * invert selection (also with shift, see link)
  (反相選取 (也可使用 shift 鍵,請見連結)。)
NUM / restore selection
SHIFT+NUM + Like NUM +, but files and folders if NUM + selects just files (and vice versa)
  (就像 NUM + 鍵,但同時選取檔案和資料夾,如果 NUM + 鍵是僅選取檔案的話 (反之亦然)。)
SHIFT+NUM - Always removes the selection just from files (NUM - from files and folders)
  (只取消選取檔案 (如果 NUM - 鍵是取消檔案和資料夾的話)。)
SHIFT+NUM * Like NUM *, but files and folders if NUM * inverts selection of just files (and vice versa)
  (就像 NUM * 鍵,但反相選取檔案和資料夾,如果 NUM * 鍵是只反相選取檔案的話 (反之亦然)。)
CTRL+NUM + select all (configurable: just files or files and folders)
  (全部選取 (視選項而定:「只選取檔案」或「檔案和資料夾」)。)
CTRL+SHIFT+NUM + select all (files and folders if CTRL+NUM + selects only files)
  (全部選取 (檔案和資料夾,如果 CTRL+NUM + 鍵只選取檔案的話)。)
CTRL+NUM - deselect all (always files and folders)
  (全部取消 (總是含檔案和資料夾)。)
CTRL+SHIFT+NUM - deselect all (always files, no folders)
  (全部取消 (總是僅含檔案,不含資料夾)。)
ALT+NUM + select all files with the same extension
ALT+NUM - remove selection from files with the same extension
CTRL+PgUp or Backspace Change to parent directory (cd ..)
  (回到上一層資料夾 (如同 Windows 命令列的「cd ..」命令。)
CTRL+< Jump to the root directory (most European keyboards)
  (跳至根目錄 (大部份歐規鍵盤)。)
CTRL+\ Jump to the root directory (US keyboard)
  (跳至根目錄 (美規鍵盤)。)
CTRL+PgDn Open directory/archive (also self extracting .EXE archives)
  (開啟資料夾/壓縮檔 (連自我解壓的壓縮檔也可用)。)
CTRL+left/right Open directory/archive and display it in the target window. If the cursor is not on a directory name, or the other panel is active, then the current directory is displayed instead.
CTRL+F1 File display 'brief' (only file names)
  (顯示 清單 (只有檔名)。)
CTRL+SHIFT+F1 Thumbnails view (preview pictures)
  (顯示 縮圖檢視 (預覽圖片)。)
CTRL+F2 File display 'full' (all file details)
  (顯示 詳細資料。)
CTRL+SHIFT+F2 Comments view (new comments are created with Ctrl+Z)
  (顯示 檔案註解,按 Ctrl+Z 建立新的註解。)
CTRL+F3 Sort by name
CTRL+F4 Sort by extension
CTRL+F5 Sort by date/time
CTRL+F6 Sort by size
CTRL+F7 Unsorted
CTRL+F8 Display directory tree
CTRL+SHIFT+F8 Cycle through separate directory tree states: one tree, two trees, off
CTRL+F9 Print file under cursor using the associated program
CTRL+F10 Show all files
CTRL+F11 Show only programs
CTRL+F12 Show user defined files
TAB Switch between left and right file list
SHIFT+TAB Switch between current file list and separate tree (if enabled)
  (在目前檔案列表和資料夾樹狀面板間切換 (如果啟用的話)。)
Letter Redirect to command line, cursor jumps to command line
INSERT Select file or directory.
SPACE Select file or directory (as INSERT). If SPACE is used on an unselected directory under the cursor, the contents in this directory are counted and the size is shown in the "full" view instead of the string <DIR>. This can be disabled through 'Configuration' - 'Options' - 'Operation' - 'Selection with Space'.
  (選取檔案或目錄 (就像 INSERT (插入) 鍵)。假如 SPACE 鍵使用在一個未選取的資料夾時,該資料夾的檔案大小會顯示在「詳細資料」格式中原本「大小」欄位中的 <DIR> 字串位置上,解除該特性請至 設定 (&O) - 選項 (UO) - 操作方式 - 依子資料夾來計算所佔空間 - 當以空白鍵選取時 (&W)。) (譯註:原文敘述少了 ... - Calculate space occupied by subdirectories - 這項。 Version: v8.51a。)
ENTER Change directory / run program / run associated program / execute command line if not empty. If the source directory shows the contents of an archive, further information on the packed file is given.
  (切換資料夾 / 執行程式 / 執行應用程式 / 執行命令列 (如果命令列欄有內容的話)。假如來源資料夾顯示的是一個壓縮檔,將會顯示壓縮文件的詳細訊息。)

SHIFT+ENTER 1. Runs command line / program under cursor via Windows shell and leave the program's window open. Only works if NOCLOSE.EXE is in the Total Commander directory!
  (執行命令列欄的指令 / 將游標所在的程式透過 Windows 命令列視窗執行,只有當 NOCLOSE.EXE 存在 Total Commander 資料夾中時。)
2. With ZIP files: use alternative choice of these (as chosen in Packer config): (Treat archives like directories <-> call associated program, i.e. winzip or quinzip)
  (對 ZIP 檔案:使用替代的選擇 (如選擇壓縮設定):將壓縮檔當成資料夾 <-> 呼叫應用程式,例如 winzip 或 quinzip。) (譯註:此功多用於將壓縮檔用原本的應用程式來開啟,例如用 WinRAR 開啟壓縮檔。)
3. In the list of last used dirs (History, Ctrl+D), open the directory on a new Tab.
  (在最後使用的資料夾列表時 (歷史清單,按 Ctrl+D 鍵),在新標籤頁中開啟該資料夾。)

ALT+SHIFT+ENTER The contents of all directories in the current directory are counted. The sizes of the directories are then shown in the "full" view instead of the string <DIR>. Abort by holding down ESC key.
  (計算所有子資料夾佔用的空間,各資料夾的檔案大小會顯示在「詳細資料」格式中原本「大小」欄位中的 <DIR> 字串位置上。按下 ESC 鍵可中斷計算過程。)
ALT+ENTER Show property sheet.
CTRL+A select all
CTRL+B Directory branch: Show contents of current dir and all subdirs in one list
  (展開所有資料夾,將目前資料夾下和所屬子目錄下所有內容顯示在同一列表中。) (譯註:再按一次可取消此效果,且會切換到游標所停留的檔案目錄中。)
CTRL+SHIFT+B Selected directory branch: Show selected files, and all in selected subdirs
  (僅展開選取檔案和子資料夾,將所選取的所有內容顯示在同一列表中。) (譯註:再按一次可取消此效果,且會切換到游標所停留的檔案目錄中。)
CTRL+C Copy files to clipboard
CTRL+D Open directory hotlist ('bookmarks')
  (常用資料夾清單 (書籤)。)
CTRL+F Connect to FTP server
  (FTP 連線。)
CTRL+SHIFT+F Disconnect from FTP server, port connection, and some file system plugins
  (中斷 FTP 連線,埠的連接,和部份檔案系統的外掛。)
CTRL+I Switch to target directory
  (切換到目標資料夾。) (譯註:跟 TAB 鍵的效果差不多。)
CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (of the selected files)
  (計算佔用空間 (如果有選取檔案,則會變成計算選取檔案的佔用空間。)
CTRL+M Multi-Rename-Tool
CTRL+SHIFT+M Change FTP transfer mode
  (選擇 FTP 傳輸模式。)
CTRL+N New FTP connection (enter URL or host address)
  (新增 FTP 連線 (新增網址或主機位址)。)
CTRL+P Copy current path to command line
  (複製路徑到命令列。) (譯註:只有目錄的完整路徑,包含檔案的完整路徑請見「Command line: keys (命令列按鍵)」連結 "CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER"。)
CTRL+Q Quick view panel instead of file window
CTRL+R Reread source directory
  (重新整理來源資料夾。) (譯註:跟 F2 鍵的效果一樣。)
CTRL+S Open Quick Filter dialog and activate filter (deactivate with ESC or CTRL+F10)
  (開啟「快速搜尋」對話框並啟動/停用過濾器 (可用 ESC 或 CTRL+f10 鍵 停用過濾器效果。) (譯註:但要每次開啟「快速搜尋」對話框都會記得停用/啟用過濾器時,得再按一次 CTRL+S 鍵才會記憶。)
CTRL+SHIFT+S Open Quick Filter dialog and reactivate last-used filter
CTRL+T Open new folder tab and activate it
CTRL+SHIFT+T Open new folder tab, but do not activate it
CTRL+U Exchange directories
CTRL+SHIFT+U Exchange directories and tabs
CTRL+V Paste from clipboard to current dir.
CTRL+W Close currently active tab
CTRL+SHIFT+W Close all open tabs
  (關閉全部標籤。) (譯註:只會關閉來源視窗的所有標籤,目標視窗的所有標籤不受影響。)
CTRL+X Cut files to clipboard
CTRL+Z Edit file comment
CTRL+UP Open dir under cursor in new tab
CTRL+SHIFT+UP Open dir under cursor in other window (new tab)
  (開啟游標上的資料夾到另一視窗的 (新標籤頁)。)
CTRL+TAB Jump to next tab
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB Jump to previous tab

ALTGR+Letter(s) or CTRL+ALT+Letter(s)
(「Alt + 字母」或「Ctrl + Alt + 字母」。)
Quick search for a file name (starting with specified letters) in the current directory
(在目前資料夾中快速搜尋檔案 (從指定的字元開始)。) (譯註:可使用「Wildcard 萬用字元 (*, ?)」。)
(Support hotkeys Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+A; use Ctrl+S for search filter on/off)
(支援剪貼簿快速鍵 Ctrl+X (剪下), Ctrl+C (複製), Ctrl+V (貼上) 和 Ctrl+A (全選);使用 Ctrl+S 開關「搜尋過濾器」。) (譯註:開啟「搜尋過濾器」將只會顯示符合搜尋條件的檔案。)

Other keys: See command line
(其它按鍵:請見「Command line: keys (命令列按鍵)」連結。)
(2014-10-22 21:08 修訂)


Command line: keys

If Total Commander is active, nearly all keyboard input is directed to the command line.
(假如 Total Commander 已啟用。幾乎所有的鍵盤輸入會被導向到命令列。)
Here is the layout for some keys:

ENTER The command line is executed, if it contains at least one character (otherwise, the program under the cursor in the source window is started). If the command is cd, md or rd, it is executed internally. If it is an internal DOS command, DOS will be executed with this command. Otherwise, a program with the given name is executed.
  (如果命令列欄中最少有一個以上的字元,則會執行命令列 (否則,將會執行來源視窗中游標列所停留的程式)。假如命令列是 cd、md 或 rd,它則會執行 Total Commander 內建指令。假如命令是內建的 DOS 命令 (不需執行檔的),DOS 則會執行該命令,否則就會執行該名稱的可執行檔案。)
SHIFT-ENTER Similar to ENTER, but via Windows shell. After the called DOS program is terminated, its window is not automatically closed. This will only work if the file noclose.exe is in the Total Commander directory.
  (跟 ENTER 鍵很像,但透過 Windows 命令列視窗執行。當被呼叫的 DOS 結束後,該視窗不會自動關閉。只有當 NOCLOSE.EXE 存在 Total Commander 資料夾中時,該功能才會生效。)
CTRL-ENTER The file under the cursor in the source directory is added to the end of the command line.
CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER The file under the cursor including its path is added to the end of the command line.
CTRL-CURSORDOWN or ALT+F8 A list with the latest command lines (history-list) is opened. Hold down the CTRL key and use the up and down cursor keys to select an entry. By pressing the left or right key, you can edit the command line. This automatically closes the list.
  (CTRL-向下 或 ALT+F8 鍵會出現最後使用的命令列清單 (歷史清單)。按住 CTRL 鍵和使用「上」或「下」鍵選取項目 (譯註:歷史列表出現後,只按「上」「下」其實也可以選取,不一定需要加 CTRL 鍵),藉由按下「左」或「右」鍵。你就可以編輯該命令列,這樣也會自動關閉歷史清單。)
TAB Puts the cursor back to the source directory.
Cursor keys Cursor left and cursor right move the cursor through the command line, even if the cursor was in the source directory before. If brief was selected, these keys move the cursor through the source directory. You then have to hold down SHIFT to move it inside the command line.
  (左和右方向鍵會將游標焦點移往在命令列欄。甚至原本游標焦點在來源資料夾時也會。如果你是選擇顯示「清單」模式,光按方向鍵就只會在清單中移動,這時你可以按住 SHIFT 鍵加左或右方向鍵將鍵盤焦點移到命令列欄。)
Cursor up and cursor down move the cursor bar inside the source window, even if it was inside the command line.
ESC Clears the command line, put cursor back in file window.
CTRL+A Select entire command line
CTRL+Y Clears the command line, cursor stays in command line.
CTRL+C Copy selected text to clipboard
CTRL+X Cut selected text to clipboard
CTRL+V Paste text from clipboard to command line.
CTRL+E Copy previous command to command line
CTRL+K Delete to end of line
CTRL+W Delete the word to the left of the cursor
CTRL+T Delete the word to the right of the cursor


Command line parameters (命令列參數)

Total Commander can be called with one or two directories as command line parameters. This will set these directories in one or both of the file windows. This allows you to create multiple icons for Total Commander in progman or the start menu, which start Total Commander in different directories or even with packed files. Furthermore a different ini file than the default <wincmd.ini> can be specified to allow multiple users on the same machine to have different settings in Total Commander.
(Total Commander 可將一到兩個資料夾經由命令列參數載入到 Total Commander 中。它將會這些資料夾載入到檔案視窗中。它允許你建立多樣的 Total Commander 圖示到程式或啟動選單,像 Total Commander 啟動時可指定不同的資料夾甚至壓縮檔。未來還允許讓同一台機器中的不同的使用者指定不同的 .ini 檔。) <wincmd - TOTALCMD.CHM::/inisettings.htm。>

Syntax: (語法:)

totalcmd.exe [/o] [/n] [Drive1:\Directory1 [Drive2:\Directory2]] [/i=name.ini] [/f=ftpname.ini]
or: (或:)
totalcmd.exe [/o] [/n] [/L=Drive1:\Directory1] [/R=Drive2:\Directory2] [/i=name.ini] [/f=ftpname.ini]

Parameters: (參數:)

Drive:\Directory Loads the first directory passed to Total Commander into the left window, and the second into the right window. Directory names containing spaces must be put in double quotes! Always specify the full path name including the drive! To open a stored FTP connection, use FTPOPEN:stored_ftp_name as path.
  (磁碟:\資料夾:第一個資料夾會載入到 Total Commander 的左視窗中,而第二個資料夾會載入到右視窗。若資料夾名稱中有空格則須用雙引號括起來!請記得完整路徑須包含磁碟機名稱!若要開啟已存檔的 FTP 連線,請使用「FTPOPEN:存儲的 FTP 名稱」。)
/O If Total Commander is already running, activate it and pass the path(s) in the command line to that instance (overrides the settings in the <configuration dialog> to have multiple windows)
  (如果 Total Commander 已經在執行的話,將路徑名稱(們)載入到該程序中並啟用它 (它將會覆蓋設定選項對話框中對多重視窗的設定)。) (譯註:即此參數會先啟用已開啟的 Total Commander 程序,若尚未開啟則最多只會開啟一個 Total Commander 程序 (和 /N 作用相反),不會開啟多個 Total Commander 程序。而「多重視窗的設定」= 「設定(&O) / 選項(&O)... / 同時間只可開啟一個 Total Commander 程式(&1)」的選項。) <configuration dialog - TOTALCMD.CHM::/dlg_display.htm。>
/N Opens in any case a new Total Commander window (overrides the settings in the <configuration dialog> to allow only one copy of Total Commander at a time)
  (開啟新的 Total Commander 視窗 (它將會覆蓋設定選項對話框中「同時間只可開啟一個 Total Commander 程式(&1)」的設定)。) (譯註:即此參數會新開啟一個 Total Commander 程序 (和 /O 作用相反),而不管「設定(&O) / 選項(&O)... / 同時間只可開啟一個 Total Commander 程式(&1)」中的設定。) <configuration dialog - TOTALCMD.CHM::/dlg_display.htm。>
/L= Set path in left window
/R= Set path right window
/A When an archive file is passed as path, do not open it, but instead open the directory containing the archive and set the archive as the active file (place the text cursor on it)
  (當載入的路徑是個壓縮檔時,不要開啟它 (顯示內部的壓縮檔案路徑),而是「開啟該壓縮檔所在資料夾」並「將游標列停留在該壓縮檔上」。)
/S Interprets the passed dirs as source/target instead of left/right (for usage with /O). For example, a dir passed with /R= will be interpreted as the target dir.
  (將載入的資料夾解釋為「來源/目標」視窗 而不是「左/右」視窗 (供 /O 參數使用)。舉例來說:經由 /R= 載入的資料夾將會解釋為目的資料夾 (反之 /L= 會解釋為來源資料夾)。) (譯註:「source/target 來源/目標」是以游標列所在的焦點視為「source 來源」視窗,而另一個視窗視為「target 目標」視窗,所以不是以左右視窗為定義。)
/S=C Start "Compare by content" without TC main window, e.g. totalcmd.exe /S=C c:\file1 d:\file2
  (直接開啟「比對檔案內容」但不開啟 TC 的主要視窗。例如 e.g. totalcmd.exe /S=C c:\file1 d:\file2 (比對 c:\file1 d:\file2 兩個檔案的內容)。)
/S=F Open "Find Files" dialog without TC main window, e.g. totalcmd.exe /S=F "c:\start path"
  (直接開啟「尋找檔案」對話框但不開啟 TC 的主要視窗。例如 totalcmd.exe /S=F "c:\start path" (搜尋 "c:\start path" 目錄。)
     Accepts additional parameters separated by a colon, e.g. /S=F:S1Lname
     S Sort results by: 1=name, 2=extension, 3=size, 4=date/time. Negative value for descending order
       (S 排序結果:1=檔名、2=副檔名、3=大小、4=日期/時間,- 負號表反相排序。)
     L<x> As LAST parameter: Load search with name <x>, e.g. "/S=F:Lmax 1 day old"
       (L<x) 最後的參數:載入搜尋設定 <x>,例如 "/S=F:Lmax 1 day old" 載入先前儲存的 "max 1 day old" 搜尋設定。)
/S=L Start Lister directly, pass file name to it for viewing (requires full name including path). May include bookmark in html files, e.g. c:\test\test.html#bookmark
  (啟用檢視器資料夾,瀏覽該檔案內容 (須要包含完整檔案路徑)。瀏覽 html 格式檔案時可以指定書籤 (bookmark),例如 c:\test\test.html#bookmark。
     Accepts additional parameters separated by a colon, e.g. /S=L:AT1C1250
     A ANSI/Windows text
       (ANSI/Windows 字元集。)
     S ASCII/DOS text
       (ANSI/DOS 字元集。)
     V Variable width text
     T1..T7 View mode 1-7 (1: Text, 2: Binary, 3: Hex, 4: Multimedia, 5: HTML, 6:Unicode, 7: UTF-8)
       (瀏覽模式 1-7 (1:純文字、2:二進位、3:十六進位、4:圖片/多媒體、5:HTML 文字、6:萬國碼(統一碼)、7:UTF-8 編碼。
     C<nr> Codepage, e.g. C1251 for Cyrillic
       (字元編碼,例如:C1251 表「斯拉夫文」。)
     N Auto-detect, but no multimedia or plugins allowed
     P<x> As LAST parameter: Choose plugin, e.g. /S=L:Piclview for iclview plugin (As shown in Lister title)
       (最後的參數:選擇外掛,例如:/S=L:Piclview 表使用 iclview 外掛 (會顯示在檢視器視窗標題列上。)
/S=P:PORT Start a parallel or USB port server for direct cable connection (Use LPT1 or USB as port names)
  (啟用直接纜線連接的並列埠或 USB 埠伺服器 (使用 LPT1 或 USB 埠名稱。)
/S=S Start "Synchronize dirs" directly, accepts two paths as parameters, or alternatively a settings name in the form /S=S:SettingsName
  (直接啟用「同步資料夾」功能,可以使用兩個路徑名做比對,或另外從 /S=S:SettingsName 指定「設定清單選項」。) (譯註:該「SettingsName 設定清單選項」在「同步資料夾 功能 / 開啟儲存的同步 資料夾+選項 清單 (在最左上角有一個資料夾圖示,資料夾中間有個藍色的 * 星號)。)
     If the parameter begins with an equal sign "=", e.g. /S=S:=SettingsName, the comparison will start immediately. If the equal sign is the only parameter, e.g. /S=S:= , the comparison will start with the passed directories and last used options.
     (假如參數開頭使用 "=" 等於符號,例: /S=S:=SettingsName,則會立即做比較的動作;假如等於符號只有參數,例:/S=S:=,則會載入目前命令列中指定的路徑名,並使用先前的選項做立即的比較。)
/O=list_name Only combined with /S=S: Passes list file for function "Only selected (in main window)", e.g. /O=%F
  (只能和 /S=S: 命令結合使用,會將列表檔案視為「只比所選檔案 (在主視窗中)」檔案清單,例:/O=%F ??) (譯註:list_name 為一列表檔案,其內容為沒有雙引號及路徑名的「純檔案名稱」列表。只要在 Total Commander 主視窗中先選取想要的檔案(們),再執行「同步資料夾 功能 / 開啟儲存的同步 資料夾+選項 清單 (在最左上角有一個資料夾圖示,資料夾中間有個藍色的 * 星號) / 新增目前的資料夾和設定到清單」,儲存完「新選單項目標題」後,就會出現「儲存:只比所選檔案 (在主視窗中)」,將該列表檔案存檔後,就可以觀察其檔案內容。)
/T Opens the passed dir(s) in new tab(s). Now also works when Total Commander hasn't been open yet.
  (將載入的資料夾以新的標籤開啟,當 Total Commander 程序還沒開啟時也能運作。) (譯註:若 Total Commander 程序還沒開啟,就會開啟一個 Total Commander 程序後,再將資料夾以新的標籤開啟。)
/P= Sets the active panel at program start: /P=L left, /P=R right. Overrides wincmd.ini option ActiveRight=.
  (指定程式啟動的焦點面板:/P=L 左視窗、/P=R 右視窗。此參數會覆蓋 wincmd.ini 中的 ActiveRight= 參數值。) (譯註:ActiveRight=0 啟動左視窗 (預設值)、ActiveRight=1 啟動右視窗。)
/i=name.ini Use a different INI file name.ini instead of wincmd.ini to save settings (see also: <INI file description>).
  (載入指定的 name.ini 設定檔以取代預設的 wincmd.ini (請見:INI 檔案描述連結:TOTALCMD.CHM::/inisettings.htm)。) <INI file description - TOTALCMD.CHM::/inisettings.htm。>
/F=ftpname.ini Use a different INI file name.ini instead of wcx_ftp.ini to save settings for built-in FTP client.
  (當使用內建的 FTP 客戶端時,載入指定的 ftpname.ini 設定檔以取代預設的 wcx_ftp.ini。)
/d=<x> Delays the start of Total Commander by <x> seconds (meant for the startup folder, if there are problems with other programs, which start at the same time)
  (延遲啟動 Total Commander <x> 秒 (若在啟動資料夾同時執行 Total Commander 和其它程式時,會產生問題時,可以試試此參數)。)
/INSTALLDRIVER (Windows NT-based systems) Install parallel port driver - only needed if you want to use the <parallel port connection> as a normal user and not as an administrator. Needs to be run as an administrator.
  ((Windows NT 平台的系統) 安裝並列埠驅動程式 - 只有當你需要使用並列埠連接時且以普通用戶而不是最高管理者身份執行才使用此參數,但此參數安裝時須要以最高管理者身份安裝。) <parallel port connection - TOTALCMD.CHM::/direct_cable_connection.htm。>
/INSTALLDRIVERQ Like /INSTALLDRIVER, but silent installation
  (跟 /INSTALLDRIVER 參數一樣,但安靜的安裝。)
/REMOVEDRIVER (Windows NT-based systems) Removes the driver installed with the switch /INSTALLDRIVER
  (移除 /INSTALLDRIVER 參數所安裝的裝置。)
/REMOVEDRIVERQ Like /REMOVEDRIVER, but silent removal
  (跟 /REMOVEDRIVER 參數一樣,但安靜的移除。)

The switches are NOT case sensitive. (開關不分大小寫。)

Examples: (範例:)

totalcmd.exe c:\windows left window is loaded with c:\windows
  (totalcmd.exe c:\windows:左視窗載入 c:\windows 資料夾。)
totalcmd.exe d:\data c:\programs left: d:\data, right: c:\programs
  (totalcmd.exe d:\data c:\programs:左視窗載入 d:\data 資料夾,右視窗載入 c:\programs 資料夾。)
totalcmd.exe /R=d:\data right window: d:\data
  (totalcmd.exe d:\data c:\programs:右視窗載入 d:\data 資料夾。)
totalcmd.exe "d:\Letters to Mr. Smith" left: long name -> in double quotes!
  (totalcmd.exe "d:\Letters to Mr. Smith":左視窗載入長檔名 -> 請用 "" 雙引號括起來!) (譯註:內含空白字元的檔名也得用此法,如本例的 "d:\Letters to Mr. Smith" 路徑名。)
totalcmd.exe /R="d:\Letters from Miller" right window loaded with long name
  (totalcmd.exe /R="d:\Letters from Miller":右視窗載入長檔名。)
totalcmd.exe c:\data\ opens in the left window
  (totalcmd.exe c:\data\左視窗載入 壓縮檔,開啟並顯示其內部的壓縮檔案路徑。)
totalcmd.exe /I=Miller.ini /F=MFtp.ini use Miller.ini instead of wincmd.ini for all settings, and MFtp.ini for FTP
  (totalcmd.exe /I=Miller.ini /F=MFtp.ini:使用 Miller.ini 取代 wincmd.ini 的所有設定值,並且 FTP 客戶端使用 MFtp.ini 設定值。)
totalcmd.exe /O /L=c:\ /R="d:\doc" Activate already running Total Commander and set the left path to c:\, and the right path to d:\doc
  (otalcmd.exe /O /L=c:\ /R="d:\doc":啟動已經執行的 Total Commander 程序並設定左視窗的路徑為 c:\、右視窗的路徑為 d:\doc。)
totalcmd.exe /O /S /R=c:\somepath Open c:\somepath in the current TARGET panel of the running program. Explanation: /S causes Total Commander to read /L as source and /R as target directory instead of left and right.
  (totalcmd.exe /O /S /R=c:\somepath:在已經執行的 Total Commander 程序中的「目標」面板開啟 c:\somepath。解說:原本 /L 指的是左視窗,而 /R 是右視窗。使用 /S 參數將 /L 取代為來源視窗而 /R 變成目標視窗,)
totalcmd.exe /O /T /L=c:\somepath Open a new directory tab on the left side of the already running Total commander with c:\somepath in it.
  (totalcmd.exe /O /T /L=c:\somepath:在已經啟動的 Total Commander 左視窗中開啟新的資料夾標籤頁而路徑為 c:\somepath。)
本文結束 ---------------

[badcat 在  2014-10-24 06:21 PM 作了最後編輯]

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