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主題: Ubuntu Linux 英語視訊教學 (適合 Linux 新手)   字型大小:||| 
等級: 3等級: 3

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#1 : 2007-3-20 11:30 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

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Title:  Ubuntu Linux Tutorial
Author: Charles Griffin

Release Date: 2007-02-22

Duration: 5.5 hrs / 63 lessons

0101. About this course (04:16)
0102. About Linux & Free Software (05:02)
0103. About Ubuntu Linux (03:51)
0104. Where to Go for Help (05:53)

Ubuntu Linux
0201. How to Obtain Ubuntu Linux (05:38)
0202. Downloading Ubuntu Linux Live CD (03:03)
0203. Checking MD5 Sum & Burning to CDRom (05:05)

Booting LiveCD
0301. Initial Boot Menu (03:12)
0302. Default Desktop Environment - GNOME (02:50)
0303. Examples Folder (03:58)
0304. Preinstallation Steps (04:22)
0305. Install LiveCD Pt.1 (04:47)
0306. Install LiveCD Pt.2 (02:00)

Booting Ubuntu Linux & The GNOME Desktop
0401. Initial Boot & Login Screen (03:38)
0402. Exploring the GNOME Desktop (05:58)
0403. Virtual Desktops (03:29)

Nautilus File Manager
0501. File Manager Basics (04:11)
0502. The Home Directory (06:14)
0503. Emblems, Right Click Menus, Drag & Drop (03:57)
0504. Nautilus Special Locations (04:59)
0505. Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Pt.1 (05:03)
0506. Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Pt.2 (04:47)
0507. Drives, Case Sensitivity, & Permissions (07:11)

0601. Changing the Background (06:21)
0602. Changing Themes, Adding New Elements (06:15)
0603. Creating Your Own Theme Pt.1 (04:47)
0604. Creating Your Own Theme Pt.2 (04:14)
0605. Customizing Panels & Applets (03:30)
0606. Changing Font Preferences (04:18)

Menu Detail
0701. Applications Menu (07:23)
0702. Places Menu Pt.1 (04:03)
0703. Places Menu Pt.2 (03:58)
0704. System Menu (06:15)

Configuration Tools
0801. System/Preferences Menu Pt.1 (06:03)
0802. System/Preferences Menu Pt.2 (03:05)
0803. System/Preferences Menu Pt.3 (03:05)
0804. System/Preferences Menu Pt.4 (04:34)
0805. System/Preferences Menu Pt.5 (04:23)
0806. System/Administration Menu Pt.1 (06:55)
0807. System/Administration Menu Pt.2 (07:21)

Mutimedia Applications
0901. Legal Issues (05:24)
0902. Audio Applications (06:45)
0903. Video, Photo, & Image Editing Applications (06:05)

Productivity Applications
1001. Overview (05:12)
1002. Writer & Calc Pt.1 (04:13)
1003. Writer & Calc Pt.2 (04:22)
1004. Base & Impress (06:13)
1005. Evolution (06:21)

Adding New Software
1101. Add/Remove Software Application (05:47)
1102. Software Sources (06:02)
1103. Synaptic Package Manager (06:17)
1104. Easy Ubuntu & Automatix (07:27)

Introduction to the Terminal
1201. Gnome Terminal Application (05:05)
1202. Basic Commands Pt.1 (05:54)
1203. Basic Commands Pt.2 (05:30)
1204. Applications, System Logs & Apt-Get Pt.1 (04:03)
1205. Applications, System Logs & Apt-Get Pt.2 (06:20)
1206. Using Text Editors Pt.1 (05:13)
1207. Using Text Editors Pt.2 (02:56)

Windows Applications in Linux
1301. WINE Project (07:23)
1302. Crossover Office & Cedega (05:09)

1401. Concluding Thoughts (01:49)

1501. About the Author (02:24)

-- End --

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