
投票標題: [新聞] [分享]Intel Sandy Bridge P67 H67晶片設計出錯!!!  (單選) 投票人數: 28 [參與投票的會員]
還會繼續購買 Intel Sandy Bridge 新規格晶片電腦   0 (0.00%)
緊急停手,直到 Intel 推出新晶片   8 (28.57%)
改使用 AMD 的CPU   1 (3.57%)
原本就都一直使用AMD的CPU   19 (67.86%)

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主題: [新聞] [分享]Intel Sandy Bridge P67 H67晶片設計出錯!!!   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2011-2-1 04:47 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

消息來源:intel 網站發布新聞稿

As part of ongoing quality assurance, Intel Corporation has discovered a design issue in a recently released support chip, the Intel® 6 Series, code-named Cougar Point, and has implemented a silicon fix. In some cases, the Serial-ATA (SATA) ports within the chipsets may degrade over time, potentially impacting the performance or functionality of SATA-linked devices such as hard disk drives and DVD-drives. The chipset is utilized in PCs with Intel's latest Second Generation Intel Core processors, code-named Sandy Bridge. Intel has stopped shipment of the affected support chip from its factories. Intel has corrected the design issue, and has begun manufacturing a new version of the support chip which will resolve the issue.

Intel 發現在最近釋出的 Intel 6系列晶片組有設計上的問題,晶片代號Cougar Point,
使用此系列晶片組的CPU是Intel最新第二代酷銳處理器,晶片代號Sandy Bridge。


Q: How is Intel going to fix this?
A: The company has is correcting the problem in silicon and is in process of fabbing new chipsets without the problem. The bad news: boards and systems with the fixed chip will likely not be available for at least a month.
C: Intel 已解決矽晶片上的問題,而且將重新生產沒問題的晶片。壞消息是:至少需一個月的時間才能正常供應晶片給系統和主機板商使用。

Q: Can this be fixed with a new BIOS or some other firmware update?
A: No. The problem is a hardware issue that cannot be fixed without replacing the affected chipset on the system. Since you can’t simply replace a chipset in a motherboard, the only way to fix it would be to complete replace the motherboard.
C: 這個問題是硬體錯誤,唯一修好的辦法是換掉晶片組(無法以更新BIOS或其他韌體來修正)。

Q: So which ports are bad on my motherboard again?
A: Intel’s PCH supports six ports. Of those, ports 0/1 are unaffected. These are also the SATA 6Gb/s ports. The remaining four SATA 3Gb/s ports may or may not exhibit the breakdown over time. Many motherboards also support additional ports using third-party controllers such as Marvell’s SATA 6Gb/s. These would be unaffected. eSATA ports on the rear of the motherboard should also be unaffected as those mostly use third-party controllers from Jmicron.
C: Intel H67 P67晶片組原生支援6個SATA插槽,SATA 6Gb/s 的插槽不受到影響。
Sata 3Gb/s 插槽可能也許會因為長期使用後導致設備損壞。
許多主機板內建第三方晶片如Marvell's Sata 6Gb/s晶片,這些將不受到影響。

Q: My system has the chipset, will my OEM replace the motherboard?
A: That’s not clear. We’ve talked to numerous OEMs who were also in the dark about the issue. No matter what, we suspect the solutions won’t be pretty. Even if the OEMs agree to replace the boards on Intel’s dime, there’s still down time and dealing with shipping a system back and forth and the risk of data loss. It’s possible, and we are just speculating here, that the fix will be an increased warranty to say, three years. If the ports fail within that period, the OEM will repair it. If it doesn’t fail, then maybe it wasn’t that bad in the first place. We are speculating here because in previous bad chip situations, an outright replacement is usually something vendors are resistant to doing.

Update: 消息來源
Jmmy sent us a chat log with an Intel customer service representative indicating that this recall only affects "some desktop boards based on Intel P67 chipset," that the H67 chipset boards appear to not be affected, but that the company doesn't have a comprehensive list yet. We've certainly seen cases where CSRs don't have all the info in this sort of situation, but still we'd advise waiting a bit before tearing your new mobo out and bringing it back to the store.
C:我們收到Jimmy寄來與Intel客服的對話紀錄,Intel 打算召回 " 使用P67晶片組的主機板 ",

修正:受到影響的是 SATA 3Gb/s 的插槽。SATA 6Gb/s 插槽沒有影響。


[nickbug 在  2011-2-1 03:44 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#2 : 2011-2-1 06:01 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆


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 . 自我分流~p2p精神
#3 : 2011-2-1 08:28 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆



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 . 湯
#4 : 2011-2-1 02:23 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆


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 . TWed2k-DVD幫BT組
#5 : 2011-2-16 10:05 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

不會裝死... 但是會假裝沒聽到

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 . 台灣-失落的一角
#6 : 2011-2-16 10:19 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

這個新聞我注意很久了,也跑去中壢的 nova 跟幾家攤位的售貨員哈拉過,
很奇怪的 一個現象是 ...
但是所有的 P67、H67 主機板都還是照賣,
而且還是主要商品 ...

沒有任何一家有公開揭露這項連 Intel 都自己發佈新聞稿的消息,
也沒有多少營業員在介紹主機板時,會向消費者主動告知有這項遐疵 ...
全部都是照賣,而且還大力推薦 ...

這是 ... 什麼樣的一個社會型態啊!
無法理解 ..

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