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#166 : 2007-2-19 05:23 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

The bread 麵包合唱團歷久不衰經典抒情名曲


<a href="ed2k://|file|Bread.-.If.mp3|2500649|9EB1F88FAAC6E175BB0E28215EB4F0B4|/">Bread.-.If.mp3</a>

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 . 小 鎮 裡 的 '愚 人 碼 頭
#167 : 2007-2-19 09:31 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

也常常出現在電影或是電視劇中, ed我想應該也很好找, 以下是歌詞,大家應該很熟悉

Can't take my eyes off you Frankie Valli

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off you

I love you baby
And if it's quite all right
I need you baby to warm the lonely night
I love you baby
Trust in me when I say:
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down, I pray
Oh pretty baby, now that I found you
Stay and let me love you, baby
Let me love you

Can't take my eyes off you Written by: Bob Crewe, Robert Gaudio't_Take_My_Eyes_Off_You]_Off_You

根據網路資料看來, (尤其是那個叫安德森的傢伙, 因為大家都引用他的說法 )這首歌大家都說原唱者是 Frankie Valli (1967),
維基百科也是這麼寫 (但維基也是集合眾人編寫, 資料並不一定正確)

但其實, 更早之前就已經有人錄製好了 , 根據阿灰伯兩天來扒文考古
查出, 此人即是才剛入行不到一年(八個月)就發生意外的 Ritchie Valens (1941~1959)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.MP3|3250642|052C5DE73D55CCE0759BB91688D5D704|h=AFGF7RJEBHF2BJQVVRCWOTT3MRTKL2FD|/">Ritchie Valens - Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.MP3</a>

本名:Richard Steven Valenzuela (May 13, 1941 – February 3, 1959 )

他是死於愛荷華梅森市的墜機意外, 同機另兩名歌手為 Big Bopper、Buddy Holly ;
後人形容空難這天.."The Day the music die "

Valli 生於  May ,1937 , 也只比 Ritchie Valens 大個四歲, 兩人在樂壇可以算是同輩份的了
要不是 Ritchie Valens 早死 (享年17歲), 這首歌那輪得到 Frankie Valli 來唱呀 ~ (當年約 22歲)

Frankie Valli (法蘭琪瓦利) 1967 最早發行單曲販售,也是最出名的版本...
<a href="ed2k://|file|Frankie Valli & 4 Season - Can´t Take My Eyes Off You.mp3|8955904|90CFDB479DB4F97ED41F011B6994382F|/">Frankie Valli & 4 Season - Can´t Take My Eyes Off You.mp3</a>

Boys Town Gang (--) 1982 除了原版的慢版外, 第一個翻唱成功打入聽眾民心的團體
Original Version
<a href="ed2k://|file|80 cd8 - 01 - Boys Town Gang - Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.mp3|7481829|21705EA62805F96616CCF18B9E3AB59D|/">80 cd8 - 01 - Boys Town Gang - Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.mp3</a>
Short Version
<a href="ed2k://|file|Boys town gang - can't take my eyes of you.mp3|5408391|E2E56D0D7EAF017DEDF8FCCA65D6E932|/">Boys town gang - can't take my eyes of you.mp3</a>

Andy Williams &Denise Van Outen (安迪威廉斯) 1999 這個版本沒多少人知道,而且編曲也跟 Valli 差不多, 都是慢版..   影片中 Denise Van Outen 在裡頭根本沒出聲呀!!
<a href="ed2k://|file|Andy Williams - Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You.mp3|3350531|E496515E3AA8400238652C4885D3DF5C|/">Andy Williams - Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You.mp3</a> (Andy Williams 獨唱版)
<a href="ed2k://|file|Andy Williams & Denise Van Outen - Can't Take My Eyes Off You.mp3|6113280|98A3934587594E8BFD9251F2CDA30EC8|/">Andy Williams & Denise Van Outen - Can't Take My Eyes Off You.mp3</a> (Andy Williams & Denise Van Outen  - 合唱版)

Use in film...較知名的有...

[1978 越戰獵鹿人 The Deer hunter]  Frank Valli - 1967
[1997 絕命大反擊 Conspiracy Theory]  Boys Town Gang - 1982
[2001 BJ單身日記 Bridget Jones' Diary ]  Andy Williams - 1999

從被這三部電影採用就可以看出來, 這三個版本都有一定的被接受的程度了....

其它翻唱版本當然有一定聽眾喜愛, 只是實在太多了, 族繁不及備載啦....

阿灰伯本人比較喜歡 "最早演唱" 的 Ritchie Valens 版, 因為 50 年代錄製的唱片修飾比較少, 味道比較真實呀....

再來, 各位可聽過 Tell Laura I Love Her 嗎?
狀況也是如此, 詞曲原作是 Ray Peterson 而大家也都認定他就是原唱 (1960 )
其實原本是要交由 Ritchie Valens 演唱的 (Ray Peterson 的另一首歌 Teen Angel也是)

只是, 由 Ritchie Valens 所演唱的版本因為未曾發行, 故也就查不到錄製年份 , 當然也不會列入The Best of Ritchie Valens 囉...

關於  Ritchie Valens 嘛~ 各位如果最近有看 HBO 應該會有印像

HBO Originals 傳記電影- La Bamba 青春傳奇 -  1987 (上週才剛播過, 16/2/2007 3:45pm)


La Bamba  青春傳奇

演員: 路戴蒙菲利普斯、伊薩莫洛斯、伊莉莎白潘娜

動人的音樂、扣人心弦的劇情,交織在這齣真實記錄 50 年代搖滾歌手瑞奇華倫斯(Ritchie Valens)的傳記電影中。


從他剎那間的功成名就,到他悲劇性地死於一場空難。他曾造就過"Donna"、"La Bamba"等膾炙人口的歌曲,在此片中則由Los Lobos樂團擔任幕後代唱。


星期三 2月28日 晚上11點

星期六 3月10日 午夜12點15分
星期天 3月18日 早上6點
星期天 3月18日 晚上8點
星期四 3月22日 下午2點45分
星期五 3月23日 凌晨2點30分
星期一 3月26日 晚上10點
星期六 3月31日 下午4點15分

Ritchie Valens ......


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 . 小 鎮 裡 的 '愚 人 碼 頭
#168 : 2007-2-19 09:54 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Oldies but goodies ....
Complete Ritchie Valens - The Ritchie Valens Story

Donna And Peggy Sue, Buddy Holly & Ritchie Valens ( Donna 即是 Valens 的女友 ; 同另一首歌 Peggy Sue 一樣, 都為真實人物)

La Bamba - Ritchie Valens (註:此為傳記電影片段, 且並非原唱 ! 而是由Los Lobos樂團擔任幕後代唱)

17 歲就長得這麼 "糙老"呀~ ~噢!~不應該說 "成熟"!

Ritchie Valens 是一個美國歌手和作曲者,也是第一個拉丁裔的搖滾樂手,1959年一場空難帶走了他僅僅17歲的生命,也結束了他短暫的演藝生涯。
Valens 生長在洛杉磯的近郊的一個墨西哥和印地安血統的家庭。1959年2月3號,愛荷華梅森市的墜機意外,奪走了三位歌手的生命,
包括 Big Bopper、22歲的Buddy Holly(巴帝哈利)與17歲的Ritchie Valens(瑞奇瓦倫斯);

Ritchie是帶動拉丁搖滾樂的歌手之ㄧ,改編自墨西哥結婚進行曲的"La Bamba"最為膾炙人口,才剛入行一年就發生意外,令人不勝唏噓。

La Bamba、Donna、Come On Let's Go 為 Ritchie Valens 所作最著名的三首歌....

La Bamba

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - Los Lobos - La Bamba.mpg|81266692|94A3CA7C9AE892FF0ABD65880479CAD4|h=NV6Q35GY5A4PKGJM6AGX22HKYLVI4SXS|/">Ritchie Valens - Los Lobos - La Bamba.mpg</a> (這段影片是 Los Lobos 翻唱版本)
<a href="ed2k://|file|Los Lobos - La Bamba.mp3|4504680|3609BDA764165C64C6008739011BDD5F|/">Los Lobos - La Bamba.mp3</a> (翻唱)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - La Bamba.mp3|2058240|EB04128CCAB191208B7C56AC6159D525|h=CEH6KXXL3LDYUDLFMQ3MTAKGN3F2FIZC|/">Ritchie Valens - La Bamba.mp3</a> (原唱)

La Bamba 歌詞非常簡短...(西語)

Para bailar La Bamba,
Para bailar La Bamba, se necessita una poca de gracia

Una poca de gracia, para mi, para ti,
Ay arriba arriba
Ay arriba arriba, por ti sere, por ti sere, por ti sere.

Yo no soy marinero,
Yo no soy marinero, soy capitan
Soy capitan, soy capitan,
Bamba, Bamba, etc.

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - Donna.mp3|2298903|BD9D7572087ED3D27AE10EEC960C67D0|h=JQLGSKPPRSZZYH7CJXW46ZS24FQGSU2S|/">Ritchie Valens - Donna.mp3</a> (這首歌是 Ritchie Valens 以女友 Donna 為名所作,Donna 卻是由收音機第一次聽到這首歌)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Los Lobos - Donna.mp3|2292739|99AA196E49B42A2F7097F6FB5AC9B37B|/">Los Lobos - Donna.mp3</a> (翻唱)
Oh, Donna, Oh, Donna
Oh, Donna, Oh, Donna

I had a girl
Donna was her name
Since she left me
I've never been the same
'Cause I love my girl
Donna, where can you be
Where can you be

Now that you're gone
I'm left all alone
All by myself
To wander and roam
'Cause I love my girl
Donna, where can you be
Where can you be

Well, darlin
Now that you're gone
I don't know what I'll do
All the time
And all my love for yo-ou-ou

I had a girl
Donna was her name
Since she left me
I've never been the same
'Cause I love my girl
Donna, where can you be
Where can you be

Oh, Donna, Oh, Donna
Oh, Donna, Oh, Donna

Come On Let's Go

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - Come On Let's Go.mp3|1969461|95C7EAC39DEF0A6284EFBAB353F14900|h=VTO6G6HBXHULMEWPI5OFSZFMLEDWPRC2|/">Ritchie Valens - Come On Let's Go.mp3</a> (原唱版)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Los Lobos - Come On Lets Go (Ritchie Valens).mp3|2116963|90BD09A9E5444DB739F3C8736BE0D7BD|h=JDWT4SKVJF2Y5H46M5C64SD5YW7EXKTI|/">Los Lobos - Come On Lets Go (Ritchie Valens).mp3</a> (翻唱版)

Well Jessie, doll, darlin', I love you so
Oh I will never never never let you go
Come, darlin', let's go on by by by

Take my by the hand once again, darlin'
Tell me that you love me & you'll never never leave me
That's the way I wanna do, ooo-ee, ooo-ee

Let's go down to the park once again
We'll love each other again & again
Tell me that you'll always love me so

I'll kiss you once, kiss you again
& darling I'll hold your hand
& I'll never never let you go
Come on baby, won't you love me so?

Oh now let's go by back again
Come on little baby, go back in
& I'll never never let your love go; let's go!

Well now you tell me that you love me so
& you'll never let me go
I'll love you, baby, until then
Until death do us part

So come on down, let's go by back again
Come on little baby, go back in
& I'll never never let your love go; let's go!

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens-TheVery Best Of [mp3portal hu].rar|63145572|44FA496A3A3DF0633617366AD022BAA6|h=K6QBZHPLS75SCSC2EYINISY7RJO3MGNB|/">Ritchie Valens-TheVery Best Of [mp3portal hu].rar</a> (精選)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - Tell Laura I Love Her (50'S).mp3|6346752|C9E12AFA7AD1873D22C677CA87578C90|h=77BF4RFMDKGHF2WGFHDYYYHYMPMMO63A|/">Ritchie Valens - Tell Laura I Love Her (50'S).mp3</a>
<a href="ed2k://|file|Ritchie Valens - Teen Angel.mp3|2563761|5CFDB0A450A5DEA10FE0AFB050A460EC|h=NL4XTGZWEQBZALKPAXOETH23TRAZ3T7D|/">Ritchie Valens - Teen Angel.mp3</a>


在扒文的同時, 發現國外居然有這種網站 !!  ~ findagrave , 連人家墳墓在那裡都找得到
Ritchie Valens's grave: 


既然已經扒到 Los Lobos 了, 順便把這個樂團也給介紹一下....

Los Lobos  (灰狼一族合唱團)

★以經典傳唱名曲<La Bomba>叱吒樂壇拉丁搖滾樂團最新大碟
★2003以《How Will The Wolf Survive?》獲選滾石音樂雜誌「史上500張經典專輯」
★Amazon、、All Music Guide、Uncut★★★★☆ Mojo、The New York Times、Rolling Stone★★★★全面超高評價

但是Los Lobos秉持原汁原味音符,平凡自然中譜出簡單草根調性,體驗最具異國風情的樂曲演出。

還記得改編年輕已故歌手Ritchie Valens短暫17年歲月的電影「青春傳奇」,其中至今仍為流傳暢銷同名單曲<La Bomba>,就是捧上Los Lobos跨入國際市場成為無敵熱門代表作。

1973年便成軍的Los Lobos,70年代至80年初期在獨立廠牌發行數張專輯與EP,
直到1984年進入華納音樂集團推出主流廠專輯《How Will The Wolf Survive?》,2003年此輯獲選滾石音樂雜誌「史上500張經典專輯」第461名位置。

1987年的<La Bomba>,登上全美流行單曲榜蟬連三週冠軍,奠定了歌壇基礎。

全新大碟《The Town And The City》依舊充滿異國情調,由Los Lobos團員們一肩扛起製作大任。

可以很浪漫、很溫柔、可以很歡樂、可以很寫意,開場曲<The Valley>雖由尖銳的吉他音色作前引,慢慢轉入徐緩音調,配套出屬於Los Lobos魅力音樂之展現;
搖擺熱鬧的<The Road To Gila Band>,感受置身鄉間小酒吧,夜晚隨樂歡樂起舞般的暢快;
熱情誘人的拉丁騷沙情懷<Chuco’s Cumbia>,以西班牙文演唱加深那股獨特民族特有傳統音韻;
<Two Dogs And A Bone>則宣洩鄉村藍調的自在動人味覺;
到了四週彷彿聞到夏天來臨氣息的<No Puedo Mas>,立刻溶化在雷鬼與拉丁交織成的歡愉音樂圖像之中。

屬於Los Lobos的音樂情調,別只是停留在<La Bomba>既定印象,可以延展出能靜能動的無限魅力,全在《The Town And The City》中精采呈現。


The Town And The City (2006)
<a href="ed2k://|file|los lobos, 2006 - the town and the city.rar|77169295|AE5195B32F35FAE34CA18ED8D493928B|/">los lobos, 2006 - the town and the city.rar</a>

How Will The Wolf Survive (1984)
<a href="ed2k://|file|Los Lobos - How Will The Wolf Survive (1984).rar|216596954|0AD10627872A252A01FC82E53CF395B3|/">Los Lobos - How Will The Wolf Survive (1984).rar</a>

<a href="ed2k://|file|Los Lobos - Wolf Tracks_The Best Of Los Lobos (2006) - Rock.rar|99168752|1F6F6A2571A013541440C83DF55CB9FD|/">Los Lobos - Wolf Tracks_The Best Of Los Lobos (2006) - Rock.rar</a>

以前不是有個 唱 這首 How Can I Tell Her 的 LOBO 嗎? 咱們台灣人叫他 "灰狼-羅伯"

所以, Los Lobos , S 複數....故台灣唱片公司就將這樂團命名 "灰狼一族"..... ( 啊....有夠呆的譯名)


[edsion 在  2007-2-21 01:14 PM 作了最後編輯]

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 . 小 鎮 裡 的 '愚 人 碼 頭
#169 : 2007-2-21 11:43 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

再來一首~這首我超愛的, 還拿來表白過

歌手:Frankie Avalon   歌名:Why


<a href="ed2k://|file|Why - Frankie Avalon.mp3|2575798|727AC072C11F8F60383BC99885619B05|/">Why - Frankie Avalon.mp3</a>  (斷頭)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Frankie Avalon - Why.mp3|2517913|E1EA63A455AD8108D0A27F75DF82B1FE|/">Frankie Avalon - Why.mp3</a> (OK)


1959 , Frankie Avalon 以 Venus 拿下五週冠軍,但這首歌與孫燕姿翻唱那首版本不同.

隔年初(1960)又以 Why 拿下一週冠軍,此曲在台灣因為"牯嶺街少年殺人事件"拿來當插曲,在90年代初期在台灣又紅了起來,

Frankie Avalon在今年除了冠軍曲外,還有三首前10名作品,第8名的 Bobby sox to stockings, 第10名的 A boy without a girl 與第7名的 Just ask your heart.

今年算是他最豐收的一年,而在 Why 之後,他也在樂壇消失了. 

well , 下面是俺照原聲帶曲目搜集的連結;
但是, 各位注意一下, 原聲帶是王柏森唱的, 下面是 "原唱" 哦..., 不一樣哦

原唱跟電影版都不錯 ! (俺還蠻喜歡王柏森電影版裡的假音唱腔)
原唱若聽不習慣, 還是去買"電影原聲帶版"吧 !

牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991)  A Brighter Summer Day


Oldies but goodies

WHY  原 唱 Frankie Avalon 1959

<a href="ed2k://|file|Frankie Avalon - Why.mp3|2517913|E1EA63A455AD8108D0A27F75DF82B1FE|/">Frankie Avalon - Why.mp3</a>

I'll never let you go. why? because I love you.   I'll always love you so. why? because you love me .
No broken hearts for us, 'cause we love each other   And with our faith and trust, there could be no other.
Why? cause I love you. why? 'cause you love me.
I think you're awfully sweet. why? because I love you.   You say I'm your special treat. why? because you love me.
We found a perfect love. yes, a love that's yours and mine.   I love you and you love me all the time.
I'll never let you go. why? because I love you. ( yes, I love you )
I'll always love you so. why? because you love me. ( yes, you love me )
We found a perfect love. yes, a love that's yours and mine
I love you and you love me.   I love you and you love me   We'll love each other dear forever

POOR LITTLE FOOL 原 唱 Ricky Nelson 1958

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ricky Nelson - Poor Little Fool.mp3|2461696|E072BD2386CFBF23058CFA885BD51080|/">Ricky Nelson - Poor Little Fool.mp3</a>

I used to play around with heart   Pacing at my call   When I met that little girl  I knew that I would fall
* Poor little fool oh yeah   I was fool uh huh
She'd play around and tease me   With her carefree divil eyes
She'd hold me close and kiss me   But her heart was full of lies.   ( Repeat * )
She told me that she cared for me   And that we'd never part
So for the very first time   I gave away my heart   ( Repeat * )
Next day she was gone   And I knew she lied to me
She left me with a broken heart   And won her victory   ( Repeat * )
I played this game with other hearts   But I'd never thought I'd see
The day when someone else would play those foolish game with me   ( Repeat * )

ANGEL BABY 原 唱 Rosie & the Originals 1961 (Mi Familia 電影片段)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Rosie and the Originals - Oldies - Angel Baby.mp3|3456522|538B33FA2F5F599B52D1C865F3CFAC85|/">Rosie and the Originals - Oldies - Angel Baby.mp3</a>

It's just like heaven being here with you   You're like an angel, too good to be true.
But after all I love you I do.   Angel baby, my angel baby.
When you are near me, my heart gets to beat.   I can hardly stand on my own two feet
Because I love you, I love you, I do.   Angel baby, my angel baby.
whooo... I love you. Whooo... I do.   No one could love you like I do.   Whooo... Whooo... Whooo...
Please never leave me blue and alone.   If you ever go, I'm sure you'll come back home.
Because I love you, I love you, I do.   Angel baby, my angel baby.
It's just like heaven, being with you, dear.   I could never stay, away without you near.
Because I love you, I love you, I do.   Angel baby, my angel baby.
Whooo... I love you, Whooo... I do.   No one could love you like I do.   Whooo... Whooo

DON'T BE CRUEL 原 唱 Elvis Presley 1956

<a href="ed2k://|file|Elvis Presley - Don't Be Cruel.mp3|1981962|D8CE55226AB5CBC9FE452A99AF862148|/">Elvis Presley - Don't Be Cruel.mp3</a>

You know I can be found, sitting home all alone   If you can't come around, at least please telephone.
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true. can't
Baby if I made you mad, for something I might have said   Please let's forget the past, the future looks bright ahead.
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.   I don't want no other love, baby it's just you I'm thinking of
Don't stop thinking of me, don't make me feel this way.   Come on over here and love me, you know what I want you to stay
Don't be cruel to a herat that's true.   Why should we be apart, I really love you baby.   Cross my heart.
Let's walk to the preacher, and let's say I do.   Then you'll know you'll have me, and I'll know I'll have you.
Don't be cruel to a heart that's true.   I don't want no other love.   Baby it's just you I'm thinking of.
Dont be cruel to a heart that's true.   Dont be cruel to a heart's that's true.
I don't want no other love.   Baby it's just you I'm thinking of.

Mr. Blue 原 唱 The Fleetwoods 1959

<a href="ed2k://|file|The fleetwoods - Mr blue.mp3|2407444|9EFB59C2F59638739532B8981E425000|/">The fleetwoods - Mr blue.mp3</a>

Our guardian star   Lost all is glow   The day that I lost you
He lost all his glitter   The day you said no   And his silver turned to blue
Like him I am doubtful   That your love is true   But if you decide to call on me   Ask for Mister Blue
I'm Mister Blue   When you say you love me
Then prove it by going out on this line   Proving your love isn't true.   Call me Mister Blue
I'm Mister Blue   When you say you're sorry
Then turn around headin' for the lights of town   Hurtin' me through and through   Call me Mister Blue
I stay at home at night   Right by the phone at night   But you won't call and I won't hurt my Pride   Call me Mister
I won't tell you   While you paint the town   A bright red to turn it upside down   I'm painting it too   But I'm painting it blue
Call me Mister Blue   Call me Mister Blue   Call me Mister Blue

Why   ( Guitar instrumental )

ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT 原 唱 Elvis Presley 1960

<a href="ed2k://|file|Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight.mp3|2975161|D146D7B60460856D03CF97146E1FD989|/">Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight.mp3</a>

Are you lonesome tonight   Do you miss me tonight   Are you sorry we drifted apart
Dose your memory stray   To a bright summer day   When I kissed you and called you sweetheart
Do the chairs in you parlour   Seem empty and bare   Do you gaze at your door step   And picture me there
* Is your heart filled with pain   Shall I come back again   Tell me dear are you lonesome tonight
I wonder if are lonesome tonight   You know someone said that the world is a stage   And we each must play a part
Faith had me playin' in love   With you as my sweetheart   Act one was when we met
I love you at first glance   You read your lines so cleverly   And never missed a cue
Then come back to   You seemed to change   You acted strange   And why I've never known
Hney you lied when you said you loved me   And I had no cause to doubt you
But I'd rather go on hearing your lies   Than to go on livin' without you
Now the stage is bare   And I'm standing there   With emptyness all around
And if you won't come back to me   Then they can bring the curtain down   ( Repeat * )

THE MAGIC MOMENT 原 唱 Jay & The Americans 1969

<a href="ed2k://|file|The Platters - This Magic Moment(Dirty Dancing).mp3|2600960|1C009EB09031FBFAB0FF6A7ED60B63E3|/">The Platters - This Magic Moment(Dirty Dancing).mp3</a>

This magic moment, so different and so new,   Wasn't like any other, until I kissed you.
And then it happened, it took me by surprise   I knew that you felt it too, by the look in your eyes.
* Sweeter than wine, softer than the summer night  Everything I want, I have, whenever I hold you tight.
This miagic moment, while your lips are close to mine,
Will last forever, forever till the end of time   ( magic, magic... )   ( Repeat * )   magic time...

ONLY THE LONELY 原 唱 Roy Orbison 1960
<a href="ed2k://|file|Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely.mp3|2366484|0C748FDE9450D899FF4A9A9363F259C7|/">Roy Orbison - Only The Lonely.mp3</a>

* Dum dum dum wa   oh yah yah yah yah   oh oh oh oh yah   only the lonely only the lonely *
Only the lonely know the way I feel tonight   Only the lonely   Know this feeling ain't right
There goes my babe, there goes my heart   They'll gone forever, so far apart
But only the lonely   Know why, I cry, only the lonely   ( Repeat * )
Only the lonely know the heartackes I've been through   Only the lonely, know I cry, cry for you
Maybe tomorrow, I'll need romance   No more sorrow, but that's the chance   You gotta take
If your lonely heartbreak   Only the lonely

NEVER BE ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU 原 唱 Ricky Nelson 1959

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ricky Nelson - Never Be Anyone Else But You.mp3|2113619|F54AB55B97D9050D650F5DC2728BC8F3|/">Ricky Nelson - Never Be Anyone Else But You.mp3</a>

* There'll never be anyone else but you for me   Never ever be, just couldn't be   Anyone else but you *
If I could take my pick of all   The girls I've ever known   Then I'd come pick you out, to be my very own   ( Repeat * )
A heart that's true and longs for you   Is all I have to give
All my love belongs to you   As long as I may live   ( Repeat * )
I never will forget the way you kiss me And when we're not together   I wonder if you miss me
Cause I hope and pray the day will come   When you belong to me
Then I'm gonna prove to you   How true my love can be   ( Repeat * )

PEGGY SUE 原 唱 Buddy Holly 1957

<a href="ed2k://|file|Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue.mp3|2390549|783264E7A4FEBF031AE8BB190532DAA4|/">Buddy Holly - Peggy Sue.mp3</a>

If you knew Peggy Sue   Then you know why I feel blue, the Peggy my Peggy Sue.
Oh I love you girl and so I love you Peggy Sue.
Peggy Sue Peggy Sue on how my heart yearns for you.   Oh Peggy Sue my Peggy Sue.
Oh I love you girl yes I love you Peggy Sue.
Peggy Sue Peggy Sue pretty ... Peggy Sue   Oh Peggy my Peggy Sue.   Oh I love you girl and I need you Peggy Sue.
I love you Peggy Sue when our love so rare and true   Oh Peggy my Peggy Sue.   When I love you girl, I want you Peggy Sue.
Peggy Sue Peggy Sue pretty ... Peggy Sue   Oh Peggy my Peggy Sue.   Oh I love you girl yes I need you Peggy Sue
I love you Peggy Sue with a love so rare and ture   Oh Peggy my Peggy Sue
Oh I love you girl and I want you Peggy Sue   Oh I love you girl and I want you Peggy Sue

[edsion 在  2007-2-21 01:01 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#170 : 2007-2-21 04:59 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Tell Laura I Love Her

Ritchie Valance - Tell Laura I Love Her (Ritchie Valance 翻唱)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ricky Valance - Tell Laura I Love Her.mp3|2536304|238E8306A2457AC37A39868178DFA8AE|h=ZJNUWDIFHDV5P2JD66PL6QX3AXMQZTZE|/">Ricky Valance - Tell Laura I Love Her.mp3</a> (Ritchie Valance 翻唱)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her.mp3|4195769|975C248C5A4D58423D915528F352D87C|/">Ray Peterson - Tell Laura I Love Her.mp3</a> (Ray Peterson 原唱)

Ray Peterson CORINA CORINA on Hollywood a Go Go
A Tribute To Ray Peterson
Ray Peterson,他的代表作不多,這首Tell Laura I Love Her 是他的經典之作。

2005年1月26日Ray Peterson 與癌症長期的奮戰終於不支.病逝於Smyrna, Tennessee 家中.得年56歲.

以「Tell Laura I Love Her」、「Teen Angel」和「Dead Man's Curve」等為代表作的「死亡搖滾」,主要都是敘述當時美國的一些青少年愛情故事,

不像時下「e 時代」年輕人的世界那麼複雜,因此曾經在那個年代年輕過的文藝創作者,就經常樂於把創作的背景設定為50年代,描繪當時青少年的愛恨情仇。




但 60 年代的英國社會比美國還要封閉保守,對於流行音樂採取極為嚴密的監控,
凡語涉死亡等反道德的歌曲,尤其是和年輕人有關的,一律被國家廣播電台( 即BBC )禁播,

於是美國的 RCA 唱片公司決定放棄在英國發行這首歌,但當時的英國 EMI 唱片公司卻決定放手一搏,另外請來英國當地的歌手 Ricky Valance重新翻唱。

<a href="ed2k://|file|Michaels Marilyn - Tell Tommy I Miss Him -.mp3|2339411|C785D64F93C4E5D3DB168A6ED7263B43|/">Michaels Marilyn - Tell Tommy I Miss Him -.mp3</a> (續集)
<a href="ed2k://|file|Skeeter Davis - Tell Tommy I Miss Him.mp3|3914447|2D0878DABD9DF4CC63D7BE1D2CA2C8C1|/">Skeeter Davis - Tell Tommy I Miss Him.mp3</a> (續集)

同樣的情形也發生在 貓王 Elvis Presley 60年代的經典歌曲 Are you lonesome tonight? 也有人作了一首 Yes I'm Lonesome Tonight. 給了個回應!!

<a href="ed2k://|file|1961 - Dodie Stevens - Yes I'm Lonesome Tonight.mp3|3461665|B8B9CCD2505A6B1CCAEFDE3C6AA65A84|/">1961 - Dodie Stevens - Yes I'm Lonesome Tonight.mp3</a>
<a href="ed2k://|file|Thelma Carpenter - Yes, I'm Lonesome Tonight.mp3|2463872|5CFD56D300AE6D0402527A64C42B0D28|/">Thelma Carpenter - Yes, I'm Lonesome Tonight.mp3</a>

關於 Ritchie Valance

阿灰伯之前中招了 ..... Ricky Valance =\= Ritchie Valens !!   


Ritchie Valens - Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You.MP3
Ritchie Valens - Tell Laura I Love Her (50'S).mp3
Ritchie Valens - Teen Angel.mp3

.......................................................... 都是 Ricky Valance 翻唱的 !!  ( 二手歌王)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Ricky Valance - Runaway.mp3|2891755|5D9008B17FC2F9CDD03AD0B335FB2B77|/">Ricky Valance - Runaway.mp3</a>
<a href="ed2k://|file|Ricky Valance-Sealed with a kiss.mp3|3205352|21D7BFADAE4D2682EF3763358E3BF485|/">Ricky Valance-Sealed with a kiss.mp3</a>


Ricky Valance was born David Spencer, on 10 April 1939, in Ynysddu, near Wattsville, South Wales.

He bucked the trend, in that the 1950s, and early 1960s 'death songs' were almost automatically denied Airplay by the BBC. Due to this, Mark Dinning's, "Teen Angel" sank without trace, whilst other American death records were not released in Britain.

Ray Peterson's original version of "Tell Laura I Love Her" was not originally released in Britain.
But EMI, found a Welsh singer, formerly named David Spencer (在英國原名), to cover the banned song.

His name was changed to Ricky Valance, after Ritchie Valens, who had died with Buddy Holly, and The Big Bopper, about 18 months earlier.
The recording was banned by the BBC, but reached the number one spot in on the UK Singles Chart in September, 1960. Ricky Valance was the first Welshman to reach the top spot, but was unable to replicate this feat again.

靠!~ 搞個同音字 , 搶了人家 Ritchie Valens 的藝名....嗟!~ 害拎北及一掛 Valens 的歌迷中招


[edsion 在  2007-2-21 05:05 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#171 : 2007-2-21 06:37 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

How Do I Live 我怎麼活(空中監獄主題曲)

Lyricsiane Warren Musiciane Warren
How do I get through one night without you
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be
Oh and I, I need you in my arms
Need you to hold
You're my world, my heart, my soul
If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything good in my life
And tell me now

Without you there'd be no sun in my sky
There would be no love in my life
There'd be no world left for me
And I, baby I don't know what I would do
I'd be lost if I lost you
If you ever leave
Baby, you would take away everything real in my life
And tell me now

How do I live without you
I want to know
How do I breathe without you
If you ever go
How do I ever, ever survive
How do I, how do I
Oh how do I live

If you ever leave
Baby you would take away everything
Need you with me
Baby don't you know that you're everything good in my life
And tell me now

Repeat Chorus

Without you
<a href="ed2k://|file|Leann Rimes - How Do I Live.mp3|4288679|D6360C42CB87FEB16070E58CBEC95007|/">Leann Rimes - How Do I Live.mp3</a>

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#172 : 2007-2-23 10:44 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆


<a href="ed2k://|file|Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting For You.mp3|4230292|EB634E938A2451162DFFEE24908A2A4E|h=4Z2PFX5FHADBSM5GUJLRJPSTQ522XQOO|/">Richard Marx - Right Here Waiting For You.mp3</a>

歌詞:                                                           參考翻譯米糕
Oceans apart day after day                         遠隔重洋,日復一日,   
And I slowly go insane                                 我沉迷在以前的日子
I hear your voice on the line                        電話裡傳來你的聲音,
But it doesn't stop the pain                         但這停不了我的悲傷。

If I see you next to never                            如果再也不能與你相見,
How can we say forever                              還能夠說永遠嗎?

Wherever you go                                         無論你在何地,
Whatever you do                                         無論你做何事,
I will be right here waiting for you               我就在這裡等候你。
Whatever it takes                                        不管怎麼樣,
Or how my heart breaks                              不管我多哀傷,
I will be right here waiting for you               我就在這裡等候你。

I took for granted, all the times                   我常常在假設
That I thought would last somehow            你我會情長義久。
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears          聽到笑聲、嚐過淚水
But I can't get near you now                       但還是不能靠你近一些。

Oh, can't you see it baby                             哦,寶貝,難道你不懂
You've got me going crazy                           你已使我發瘋?

Wherever you go                                         無論你在何地,
Whatever you do                                         無論你做何事,
I will be right here waiting for you               我就在這裡等候你。
Whatever it takes                                        不管怎麼樣,
Or how my heart breaks                              不管我多哀傷,
I will be right here waiting for you               我就在這裡等候你。

I wonder how we can survive                      夢想著我們的愛能繼續
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you                       如果最後我能夠和你在一起
I'll take the chance                                       我會把握這個機會。

Oh, can't you see it baby                             哦,寶貝,難道你不懂
You've got me going crazy                           你已使我發瘋?

Wherever you go                                         無論你在何地,
Whatever you do                                         無論你做何事,
I will be right here waiting for you               我就在這裡等候你。
Whatever it takes                                        不管怎麼樣,
Or how my heart breaks                              不管我多哀傷,
I will be right here waiting for you               我就在這裡等候你。
Waiting for you                                            等著你。

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#173 : 2007-2-24 03:12 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes -軍官與紳士主題曲

                                Up where we belong

<a href="ed2k://|file|Joe.Cocker.&.Jennifer.Warnes.-.Up.Where.We.Belong.mp3|3826416|6F5B727860EAB5CE434B5822E0CA7A62|/">Joe.Cocker.&.Jennifer.Warnes.-.Up.Where.We.Belong.mp3</a>

Jennifer Warnes & Bill Medley-(Dirty Dance)熱舞17主題曲

                                The Time Of My Life ... related&search=

<a href="ed2k://|file|Dirty.Dancing.-.(I've.Had).The.Time.Of.My.Life.-.Bill.Medley.&.Jennifer.Warnes.mp3|5807020|07DE535FE2BC3E4448D539A69B7A24F7|/">Dirty.Dancing.-.(I've.Had).The.Time.Of.My.Life.-.Bill.Medley.&.Jennifer.Warnes.mp3</a>


[阿龍 在  2007-2-24 11:48 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#174 : 2007-2-25 11:43 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

John Denver -

                    Don't Close Your Eyes Tonight

<a href="ed2k://|file|John.Denver.-.Don't.Close.Your.Eyes.Tonight.mp3|6172339|51029D5A887F8A6D3274E14696048D4E|/">John.Denver.-.Don't.Close.Your.Eyes.Tonight.mp3</a>

There*s a tenderness that I feel, it*s very real you see
I can feel your body stir so deep within
Let it be an out of love tonight completely
And let me ask of you one thing

Don*t close your eyes tonight
Just look at me and see how many times I cried for you
Don*t close your eyes tonight
Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

Well you can lie so close to someone and still feel alone
And though I heard you say you loved me so many times
While you give me love so beautiful and tender
Someone else is in your mind

Don*t close your eyes tonight
Just look at me and see how many times I cried for you
Don*t close your eyes tonight
Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

Sorry if I cry - feelings run so deep
Many is a time when I*ll wake up and find
That I*m crying in my sleep
Look me in the eye, tell me what you see
I*m the one who loves you, I*m the one who needs you
Make this one for me

Don*t close youe eyes tonight
Just look at me and see how many times I cried for you
Don*t close your eyes tonight
Let it be me, not just a fantasy
Let it be me tonight

                       Annie's Song

<a href="ed2k://|file|John.Denver.-.Annie's.Song.mp3|3016832|DD366743C01A82AD7983ED2F395343C9|/">John.Denver.-.Annie's.Song.mp3</a>

You fill up my senses
Like a night in the forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
Come let me love you
Let me give my life to you
Let me drown in your laughter
Let me die in your arms
Let me lay down beside you
Let me always be with you
Come let me love you
Come love me again
Let me give my life to you
Come let me love you
Come love me again
You fill up my senses
Like a night in the forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again
Words and music by John Denver


[阿龍 在  2007-2-25 10:25 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#175 : 2007-2-25 01:13 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Norah Jones 諾拉瓊絲...

記得第一次聽到她的歌  好像是附在win me的裡面.....
聽起來很舒服  很令人放鬆

不知那位大大知道那個附在win me的裡面的MTV那裡可以下載
自從借出未歸後  一直找不到了.....

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    阿 灰 伯


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 . 小 鎮 裡 的 '愚 人 碼 頭
#176 : 2007-2-25 04:43 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆


Country Roads

<a href="ed2k://|file|John.Denver.-.Take.Me.Home.Country.Roads.mp3|3083412|FD300657EDA3AAB9933935C7AC5A3317|/">John.Denver.-.Take.Me.Home.Country.Roads.mp3</a>


收錄於 John Denver 1971 Poems Prayers & Promises 專輯 (參照

"John Denver" lyrics 歌詞庫

<a href="ed2k://|file|John Denver - Country Roads Collection 4|271375243|34949F1664C63BE3696E51083C51D215|/">John Denver - Country Roads Collection 4</a> (258.80MB)


※ Misty taste of moonshine / 和朦朧的月光

  安德森的翻譯錯了 !! 其中的 moonshine 並不是月光的意思,而是一種民間私釀酒的名稱。 .....(參照:遠流字典、註一)
 注意 moonshine 與 moonlight 的不同 ! 況且歌詞中寫著 moonshine 是用"嚐 taste "的 .....

看到歌名 Country Roads ( 漏打了 Take Me Home, )
讓俺想起之前 耳をすませば 心之谷 的 " カントリー・ロード / Country Road " ......

這部動畫實在不應取名為心之谷呀...!! 大概是發行商看準了先前的"風之谷"在觀眾的心中留下深刻印象, 才會如此...

心之谷 --> 耳をすませば 側耳傾聽  / Whisper of the Heart 心語呢喃.....
耳をすませばED~カントリーロード~ 03:54 / YOUTUBE 心之谷片尾 (即收錄於原聲帶的版本)

<a href="ed2k://|file|(アニソン) ジブリ 耳をすませば カントリーロード 本名陽子.mp3|4211777|E93537827167C70841A35ED1A614EBC1|/">(アニソン) ジブリ 耳をすませば カントリーロード 本名陽子.mp3</a> (128KB)

カントリーロード(SE無し)02:47 / YOUTUBE 心之谷動畫片段 (天澤聖司拉小提琴、月島 雨演唱...)

<a href="ed2k://|file|(映画サントラ)耳をすませば - カントリーロード (ヴァイオリンバージョン).mp3|6797312|DEE34DE83ECA4251C56BAB6D8CA62E88|/">(映画サントラ)耳をすませば - カントリーロード (ヴァイオリンバージョン).mp3</a> (320KB)此版本即為動畫中的版本  (天澤聖司拉小提琴、月島 雨演唱...)

月島 雨的幕後配音聲優就是這首"カントリー・ロード / Country Road "主題曲的演唱者:本名陽子....


原題:Take Me Home Country Roads 
詞曲:B.Danoff , T.Nivert & J.Denver

日語版歌詞:鈴木麻實子 (補作:宮崎 駿)

<a href="ed2k://|file|[lyrics]カントリーロード Country road (耳をすませば - Whisper of the Heart - 心之谷 ) .doc|37888|CE2F1A8261F46FA54F8A38A503E0FA8F|h=UEBTOBUSU5QWHXZNFPC7KMLBU44MFZ5W|/">[lyrics]カントリーロード Country road (耳をすませば - Whisper of the Heart - 心之谷 ) .doc</a> (歌詞的DOC檔,俺今天剛搜集編打的



參照:淡江動漫網 - 心之谷專題

(補作:宮崎 駿)這也就是為何人家都稱這首 Country Road 為 Concrete Road 水泥路的由來

動畫片頭演唱的英文版 Take Me Home,Country Road 是 女歌手 Olivia Newton John 於 1973 年翻唱的版本 (線上播放)

YOUTUBE:Olivia Newton-John Take Me Home Country Roads (TV)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Olivia Newton John- Take Me Home Country Roads.mp3|7946240|A2436869BD574CBC1C55BAC71827B05E|/">Olivia Newton John- Take Me Home Country Roads.mp3</a> (320KB)


Moonlight, 顧名思義,"月光"的意思,最初出現在喬叟的作品中。
莎士比亞在他的《威尼斯商人》(Merchant of Venice "How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank")
和《溫莎的風流娘兒們》(Merry Wives of Windsor "Pinch him, and burn him, and turn him about, till Candle, and Starlight, and Moonshine be out") 將這個詞擬人化。

15 世紀中期的一位作家將 "moonshine" 賦予了新的意思,
他這樣寫到, "If Sir Thomas Howys wer...made by leve and put in hope of the moone shone in the water and I wot nat what."

"Moonshine in water"和後來的 "moonshine"可以解釋為"不真實的東西"。16世紀, "to hang by the moonshine"用來表示"無緣無故的","毫無根據的"。

"Moonshine"作為形容詞,出現在斯威夫特《格列佛遊記》中,"It being like a moonshine night"此處的"Moonshine"有"月照的""有月光的"的意思。

在Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1785) 給"Moonshine"一詞解釋如下:
"A matter or mouthful of moonshine; a trifle, nothing. The white brandy smuggled on the coasts of Kent and Sussex is called moonshine."


"Moonlight" 在19世紀早期也用來表示"走私的烈酒"的意思, 但 "moonshine" 和"moonlight"現在有了不同的意思。
比如,"月光與玫瑰",我們用 "moonlight and roses" 來表達,而不說成"moonshine and roses"。



[edsion 在  2007-2-25 05:46 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#177 : 2007-2-25 06:43 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Take That / Beautiful World
Patience 耐心等候

Just have a little, patience
I’m still hurting from a love I lost,
I’m feeling your frustration,
But any minute all the pain will stop,
Just hold me close inside your arms tonight,
don’t be too hard on my emotions

Cause I, need time,
My heart is numb, has no feeling,
So while I’m still healing,
Just try and have a little patience,

I really wanna start over again,
I know you wanna be my salvation,
The one that I can always depend,

I’ll try to be strong, believe me,
I’m trying to move on,
It’s complicated but understand me,

Cause I, need time,
My heart is numb has no feeling,
So while I’m still healing,
Just try and have a little patience yeah,

Have a little patience, Yeah

Cause this scar runs so deep,
It’s been hard,
But I have to believe,

Have a little patience,
Have a little patience,

Cause I, I just need time,
My heart is numb has no feeling,
So while I’m still healing,
Just try, and have a little patience,

Have a little patience,
My heart is numb has no feeling,
So while I’m still healing
Just try and have a little... Patience

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 . taiwan
#178 : 2007-2-25 07:17 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Michael Learns To Rock(搖滾麥克)

That's Why (You Go Away)

<a href="ed2k://|file|Michael Learns To Rock - That's Why (You Go Away).mp3|4067706|86C3AF32D5BA0EDB4C314AFA2B9C83C2|/">Michael Learns To Rock - That's Why (You Go Away).mp3</a>


Baby won't you tell me why there is sadness in your eyes
I don't wanna say goodbye to you
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head

You're the one who set it up
Now you're the one to make it stop
I'm the one who's feeling lost right now
Now you want me to forget every little thing you said
But there is something left in my head

I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know

You were never satisfied no matter how I tried
Now you wanna say goodbye to me
Love is one big illusion I should try to forget
But there is something left in my head

I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know

Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere
Don't know which way to go
There is so much to say now between us
There ain't so much for you
There ain't so much for me anymore

I won't forget the way you're kissing
The feelings so strong were lasting for so long
But I'm not the man your heart is missing
That's why you go away I know
That's why you go away I know......

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#179 : 2007-2-25 07:49 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

說到英文歌,我要推我最喜歡的一首 "All I Have To Do Is Dream"


原唱好像是The Everly Brothers,不過後來我有找到另外Cascades也有唱



<a href="ed2k://|file|All I Have To Do Is Dream.rar|6439533|36CB49347CE3C722CC9AAF5E747CC41B|/">All I Have To Do Is Dream.rar</a>

All I Have To Do Is Dream

Dream... dream dream dream
Dream... dream dream dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you all your charms
Whenever I want you
All I have to do is dream
Dream dream dream
When I feel blue in the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenver I want you
All I have to do is dream

* I can make you mine
Taste your lips of wine
Any time night or day
Only trouble is gee whiz
I'm dreaming my life away
I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you
All I have to do is dream
Dream dream dream dream... *

Dream dream dream dream...


阿龍寫到: 原唱是THE EVERLY BROTHERS 才對 ... related&search=

[rex0325 在  2007-2-25 11:41 PM 作了最後編輯]

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#180 : 2007-2-25 07:53 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

When you say nothing at all

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