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主題: [閒話家常] [18禁][閒聊]Wang was stroking it today!?   字型大小:||| 
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 . Earth, Solar System, Galaxy
#1 : 2005-6-19 10:41 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

台灣王第四勝到手後, 我在洋基的Fan Forum看到這篇, 笑得肚子好痛...  


Wang was stroking it today

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  From:  captmidnight23   8:43 pm  
To:  ALL   (1 of 4)  


shoot, torre's wang was so hard today. wang kept coming and coming and coming. but its a shame wang couldnt finish it, he had plenty of bullets left in his wang. cubs really got wang-smacked.
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  From:  captmidnight23   8:48 pm  
To:  captmidnight23   (2 of 4)  

  138944.2 in reply to 138944.1  

wang doesn't look like your ordinary taiwanese wang. that is one big wang. lol
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  From:  captmidnight23   8:50 pm  
To:  captmidnight23   (3 of 4)  

  138944.3 in reply to 138944.2  

did you see wang? wang kept pounding the mitt today, over and over and over. lol.
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   From:  chiefan   10:15 pm  
To:  captmidnight23 unread  (4 of 4)  

  138944.4 in reply to 138944.3  

He is my Wang and he shure is big , he is sore after pounding Nomars mama.

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