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 . 台灣台北
#1 : 2007-1-29 06:49 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆

Ipfilter v119  (2007-01-27)

#-0---(main title)---Ipfilter v119 (2007-01-24).
#>> Builded to be used with eMule & a private ISP. Fight the Futur.
#>> Normally updated every 15 days.
#-1---(3 lists)------BOGON list (2007-01-24).
#>> [BG]Bog: Invalid IPv4: Bogon list.
#>> [BG]UnAv: Not Declared IPv4: Not in BGP database.
#>> [BG]NotU: Not Used IPv4: Allocated in BGP database but not used.
#>> Cloned Ranges are removed between this lists before BLM process with a spreadsheet.
#-2---(9 lists)------Bluetack (BISS) Personal-Build of IPFilter (2007-01-24).
#>> Includes: Level1[L1], Hijacked[HJ], Level2[L2], Microsoft[MS], Spider[SD], Spyware[SW],
TempList[TL], Trojan[TJ] and Ad Trackers[AD].
#>> Many corrections (~328 lines) on cosmetic input...all lines readables are includes.
#-3---(1 list)-------Fakes Server List from eMule-Project (2006-12-15).
#>> Fake server list[FK] updated by ElChele from the users feedbacks in eMule-Project Forum.
#-4---(main tool)----Merged by BlockList Manager Beta 2.6.5 (2006-09-18).
#>> all the lists are imported manually (not by BLM) one by one in (a.a.a.a,b.b.b.b,000,c) format.
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v119: Merged Ranges: 26464, Deny IP Count: 2 758 225 808 (64,2% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v118: Merged Ranges: 26306, Deny IP Count: 2 766 288 713 (64,4% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v117: Merged Ranges: 25865, Deny IP Count: 2 778 646 429 (64,7% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v116: Merged Ranges: 25714, Deny IP Count: 2 785 130 442 (64,8% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v115: Merged Ranges: 25046, Deny IP Count: 2 781 575 155 (64,8% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v114: Merged Ranges: 24590, Deny IP Count: 2 822 284 692 (65,7% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v113: Merged Ranges: 24501, Deny IP Count: 2 821 884 346 (65,7% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v112: Merged Ranges: 26023, Deny IP Count: 2 831 261 917 (65,9% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v111: Merged Ranges: 28922, Deny IP Count: 2 821 587 000 (65,7% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v110: Merged Ranges: 23301, Deny IP Count: 2 823 398 180 (65,7% of IPv4).
#>> Statistics of IPFilter v109: Merged Ranges: 22675, Deny IP Count: 2 832 281 173 (65,9% of IPv4).
#>> Please, feedback to emule-project or Bluetack forum (links are on top, section -0-, -2- and -3-).
#-5---(warning !)----If you uses this ipfilter, you will know this:
# and are (not by eMule) filtered.
# It's the LanCast[LN] feature of eMule and it have the level 160. Be careful without eMule.
#>> "MultiCast" ranges are filtered.
#>> "Test Port" is filtered. It's a feature of eMule.
#>> Somes ED2K servers will be filtered when you update the ED2K server list.
#>> This IPFilter would be not used with a firewall...some many web site will be filtered.
#>> You can adjust the level of IPFilter.dat in eMule (default: all numbers before 127 are filtered)
# 60 = [BG] = Bog: Invalid.
# 70 = [BG] = UnAv: Not declared.
# 80 = [BG] = NotU: Not used.
# 90 = [L1] = Level1.
# 95 = [FK] = Fake Server.
# 97 = [MS] = Microsoft.
# 99 = [HJ] = Hijacked.
# 109 = [L2] = Level2.
# 111 = [SW] = Spyware.
# 113 = [AD] = Ad Trackers.
# 115 = [SD] = Spider.
# 117 = [TJ] = Trojan.
# 119 = [TL] = TempList.
# 160 = [LN] = Lan range.
# Example: if you wants filtered all except L2 & SW & AD & SD & TJ & TL & LN, you must set 108.
# -------- if you wants filtered only Bogon, you must set 65.
# more you decreases level in eMule, more the security of IPFilter decreases.
#-6---(Add & Remove)-Changes from the original lists or Features added.
#>> 2006-02-04: 038.117 -> 038.119 have been removed (many others ranges are more detailed in this range).
#>> 2006-02-24: Idea by Mc4TuTi - Add of the [BG], [L1], etcs... to show witch list are used immediatly.
#>> 2006-02-24: Idea by leuk_he - Add of the propers levels to customize the level of the filter.
#>> 2006-04-23: Idea by the users - Add of a Fake server list.
#>> 2006-06-26: Idea by bscabral - reduce the length of descriptions to 4 (normalized) or 20 (free) units.
#>> 2006-08-26: Add of more lists: Spider[SD], Spyware[SW], TempList[TL] and levels modified.
#>> 2007-01-07: Add of more lists: Trojan[TJ], Ad Trackers[AD] and levels modified.


[小薪 在  2007-1-29 06:51 PM 作了最後編輯]

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等級: 4

 . 積分: 39
 . 文章: 119
 . 收花: 269 支
 . 送花: 658 支
 . 比例: 2.45
 . 在線: 249 小時
 . 瀏覽: 8120 頁
 . 註冊: 7310
 . 失蹤: 513
#2 : 2007-1-30 11:18 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆


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等級: 16等級: 16等級: 16等級: 16

 . 積分: 1852
 . 精華: 2
 . 文章: 2767
 . 收花: 16315 支
 . 送花: 11203 支
 . 比例: 0.69
 . 在線: 2950 小時
 . 瀏覽: 49480 頁
 . 註冊: 7309
 . 失蹤: 39
 . Taiwan
#3 : 2007-1-31 12:02 AM     只看本作者 引言回覆

為什麼POPGO ANIME SERVER (也在被濾的清單內啊,090,[L1]fake emule servers

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