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主題: [學術科學] [發現][HTTP]Composite Materials: Science and Applications, 2nd Edition   字型大小:||| 
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 . 在線: 2461 小時
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 . 註冊: 8221
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#1 : 2010-4-10 07:11 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆


Springer | 2010-03-29 | ISBN: 1848828306 | 317 pages | PDF | 5.4 MB

The applications of composite materials continue to be of increasing importance due to the industry’s need for modern analysis and improved performance. The first edition of Composite Materials introduced a new way of looking at composite materials: covering composites in accordance with their functions. This second edition expands the book’s scope to emphasize application-driven and process-oriented materials development. Although applications are the economical and technological driving force of materials development, processes often determine the feasibility and practicality

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