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#1 : 2004-4-21 10:27 AM
個人是學校教師網管人員,最近接獲縣網中心來信,其說明,外國抗議國小提供未授權遊戲,我看那是torrent,ps2dvd的遊戲檔,原來是bt下載,port,IP都抓的到,看來真是危險,之前emule有人提到giga轉寄外國警告信,現在學術單位tanet也接獲了,不知以後seednet,hinet會不會也轉寄別人的警告信,真是恐怖,下載有罪 or 無罪??????希望不要有這情形
Dear Administrator TANet:
I am an authorized representative of the 檢舉單位,
which represents the intellectual property interests of twenty-four (24) companies
that publish interactive games for video game consoles, personal computers,
handheld devices and the Internet.
檢舉單位 is providing this letter of notification to make Ministry of Education Computer
Center aware of material available via its network or system that infringes the
exclusive copyright and trademark rights of one or more 檢舉單位 members.
This notice is addressed to you as an agent of Ministry of Education Computer Center for
purposes of receiving notifications of claimed infringement.
We hereby affirm that the 檢舉單位 is authorized to act on behalf of the 檢舉單位 members
whose exclusive copyright rights we believe to be infringed as described herein.
檢舉單位 has a good faith belief that the Internet site found at *.*.*.* continues
to infringe the rights of one or more 檢舉單位 members by offering for download one or more
unauthorized copies of one or more game products protected by copyright,including,
but not limited to: Ratchet & Clank
Through the Berne Convention and other international treaties covering intellectual property rights,
we believe that our members' rights in such games are entitled to the full protection of the
intellectual property laws of your country. The unauthorized copies of such game product[s]
appearing on, or made available through, such site are listed and/or identified thereon by
their titles, variations thereof, or depictions of associated artwork (any such game titles,
copies, listings and/or other depictions of, or references to, any contents of such game product,
are hereinafter referred to as "Infringing Material"). Based on the information at its disposal
on 4/16/2004 at 9:55 p.m. EDT (GMT -0400) 檢舉單位 believes that the statements herein accurately
describe the infringing nature and status of the Infringing Material.
Accordingly, 檢舉單位 hereby requests Ministry of Education Computer Center to immediately remove
or disable access to the Infringing Material at the URL address identified above.
Should you have questions, please contact the 檢舉單位 at the above listed mailing address or
by replying to this email. Please also include the above noted Reference Number in the subject
line of all email correspondence.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Your prompt response is appreciated.
有任何相關疑問 請洽*檢舉單位* , 並感謝您在此事件的協助,並希望能夠得到您的即時回覆
Infringement Detail:
Infringing Work: Ratchet & Clank
Filepath: Ratchet_And_Clank_Going_Commando_USA_PS2_TCH(1).torrent/
Filename: tch-rcgc.r00
First Found: 10 Apr 2004 21:25:22 EDT (GMT -0400)
Last Found: 16 Apr 2004 21:53:55 EDT (GMT -0400)
Filesize: 48,828k
IP Address:保留
IP Port: 6881
Network: BTPeers
Protocol: BitTorrent