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主題: eMule Xtreme 更新 5.4.2   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2007-3-14 09:31 PM     只看本作者 引言回覆


http://prdownloads.sourceforge.n ... e5.4.2.rar?download

changelog 5.4.2
- added: resizable massrename (Morph)
- reworked reask sources after IP-change (new v4)
- improved the internal connection checker
- changed some code around DBR
- imroved advanced auto uploadpriority: the longer a file wasn't uploaded the less "old" upload is counted
- imroved auto uploadpriority: option "share files with auto upload-priority" is now applied when a file is shared the first time
- improved: a bit faster switching from trickle to full when filling the uploadqueue
- changed Xtreme Icon: now it is high resolution (

- fixed a bug with sourcesaver when multi temp dirs was used
- fix a bug when a file is hashed sooner than AICH-Syncthread got the mutex
- fixed/improved official code for calculating complete sources
- fixed an official bug showing wrong Kad-Id at networkinfodialog
- many more minor fixes

- updated languagefiles: german, spain, turkish, french, italian, cinese (thx unomas, Alpin, gigatoaster, LorenzoC, welldl)

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