我用的是微軟官版的Windows Live Mail Desktop一樣無法收信,
下面是Microsoft Connect的討論。
0x8DE00002 Failed Sync with @hotmail account
整體 (由 14 位使用者評分)
類型 錯誤
識別碼 259267
狀態 已關閉 (已修正)
存取限制 公用
提出者 godblesscat
區塊問題 否
已開啟 2007/2/20
提交語言 英文
已解決 2007/5/24 上午 11:42:02
已關閉 2007/5/24 上午 11:42:03
Unable to poll for new messages on your HTTP server. There is an error synchronizing your mail account. Please verify your account has been configured correctly by first accessing your mail on the web. Server: 'http://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v1.0.0/sync.aspx', Protocol: HTTPMail, Port: 80, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 204, Error Number: 0x8DE00002
It only fails for my @hotmail account, which can be accessed with Microsoft Outlook since it was registered in the year of 2003. It works all right for my other @hotmail.com and @live.com. Second, it only fails sychronizing with the folder of 'Inbox', while other folders under the same mailbox works all right.
1 註解 | 新增註解
This is occurring with the newest version of the WLMd client when we are attempting to migrate e-mail (using both 'Copy To' and 'Move To') from an IMAP account to a Live Mail account. Typically the error occurs on folders other than the Inbox, but I have had some complaints from our first level support that they have seen it on the Inbox as well. The number of messages in the folder does not seem to make a difference as we have seen it occur on folders as small as 2-3 messages or as big as 5-600. The problem occurs intermittently and will resolve itself if the client is left alone for 5-10 minutes.
I have recreated the problem on Vista and XP SP2.
I am capable of providing HTTP logs if this would assist resolving this issue.
由 Brian Feucht 在 2007/2/26 於 下午 06:25 所公佈