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主題: [閒話家常] [分享]博彩必勝術   字型大小:||| 
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 . USA
#1 : 2010-3-22 04:26 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

I don't see any sure win in this method
since you double your money when you are "losing"
I think you should stop once you are lost, not continuce
cause you already go to wrong direction

oh I forget to say
there is no such thing is 0.4%
if you play every times for a 50% game, it is always 50% no mattter it gose 100 times or not[0.0000000000.................................1%]
when you are keep losing, you should not think about next turn will be big or small
you should think someone is cheating you

[yiumingl99 在  2010-3-22 04:31 AM 作了最後編輯]

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