Seems the auther is Taiwanese, he shouldn't use Japanese Words in his demo....Unless he is actually live in Japan and seek for a job. I am not saying it's a bad thing for that, and I did go to his website to look at his work, but that would be much better that he is proud of himself as a Taiwanese. I am a gamemaker, who works in Vancouver Canada....I have to use English in my demo in order to get my job...but my demo is totally chinese art style...hmn..maybe combine some American style...but I am so proud of myself as a Taiwanese, and a chinese.
我並不覺得有這麼大分別, 你現在打字也用英文, 在一個台灣論壇用英文難道就等於你不尊重中國文化嗎?
加拿大一直都著重多元文化 (multiculturism), 看來你來了這裏這麼久還是這麼種族歧視..
很多外國人都很喜歡把中文字紋在身上, 難道這又是背祖棄國的表現?
雖然身為中國/台灣人, 但自小受日本動畫/遊戲文化影響深遠, 而且這部片的片頭片尾曲都是日文歌, 在動畫中加入英文或日文也不為過吧....