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主題: [問題] 請問這有人花錢去學3D嗎?   字型大小:||| 
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 . Vancouver
#1 : 2005-11-11 11:33 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

I aggree wiht ADSLX2.

  I would say try it both at the beginning ! Teacher is not always right, and so does book.  
( When I was in school, one of my instructor always teach things wrong, and the best thing
he can do is to play game with his students, and he is from EA.....Electronic Art....hehe... )
They will only teach you the basic stuff and some of their own trick. What they mean by 自修 is not for the beginner.

  Once you know the basic stuff, mostly you learn from work. ( making things in 3D softwares ) It's important to know people's trick if it's useful. Somehow their tricks or the way they work might not fits you...and there is no perfect way to make 3D stuff.
You can model, UV, texture, light and even animate in 10 different ways and so on.. ( but not  rigging, you are in big trouble if you don't rig the proper way. )

  I suggest you learn either one of it at the beginning, and also learn more about the classic art, then creat you own way to do things by keep working and trying. The way I do things are totally different than my teachers and books. It's good to know more and become part of you, but also important to transfer their way into the way you like. As long as the way you use is correct and faster, I prefer to use your own way. Of crouse, you have to know the basic stuff though.

  Once again, there are few tutorials in chinese version and I took a look of them. It's perfect for beginner, and there are some good chinese book are acturally teach you something deeper....even mel script....So try to get it if you can. ( I am sure most of you guys don't want to read the engilsh book unless you are really good at english...Even you are good at it, there are way too many CG professional vocabularies....Those are not the one you can find in the dictionary.

PS.    If you treat it as a habit, you can do anything you want. If you are looking for a job in insdustary, you have to go to school in oder to get a deploma. People won't hire you unless you have it. ( I had a british classmate who learn Maya by himself for 2 years, and I am sure he is really good at it...Even though, he has to go to school to a the deploma, because no one hire him..... )

[KAILEE 在 2005-11-11 12:12 PM 作了最後編輯]

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