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主題: [求助] [問題]請問AMD 2500+......   字型大小:||| 
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 . 香江
#1 : 2003-11-3 08:03 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

intel and amd cpu are very different in structure, you never can't compare them in anyway. intel p4 had a very long pipeline, which help it to archive a higher clock rate, in the otherhand, k7 use a shorter pipeline. second the p4 had a higher FSB, this help to full fill the long pipeline of p4. even you didn't force the compiler to do anything, most of the time the default one is tend to optimize for intel.

intel indeed had a 64bit solutions, but that is a real pure 64bit platform, it is very fast when you wrote specific program for it, but it never can run a x86-32 software directly. AMD is using a combine one, just like back to 286->386, it still can run the old x86-32 in native mode, and that's why it is more acceptable. The bad is intel IA64 and amd AA64 is not compatible, so, you are going to choosse between them.

amd fpu is week is a long long story, way back to 486, just a little better than cyrix. Cryxi is another strong cpu in terms of int, but very bad at fpu.

talk about c/p, I don't think intel can ever near to amd, in the same price, I can get a amd mp which is much better than a single p4 in most video/graphic program I am working on.

if you had money and want to get a fast one, get cray(although not the fastest)

it is real to look at the same price if you are going to compare a platform, everybody know P4EE is just a xeon, but will you compare a xeon with a desktop cpu?

just for myself, I need to do realtime wmv9 compression, so I must go for amd, as I don't have money to get xeon mp, this is a much better solutions other then use a single p4, but in games, I am slow as hell.

p.s. don't go for smp, once you try one, you never can get back.

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 . 香江
#2 : 2003-11-5 12:39 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

RISC 或是CISC也沒分別, 因RISC CPU 如PowerPC 601比P3還多instruction, CISC就向RISC like pipeline (superscaler?) develop.還有EPIC......真多......

compiler will really (but not all) tend to optimize for some specific cpu, as differnet cpu may had differnt timing to run a same instruction, so some compiler will try to reordering it to fit for a specific cpu. I am not talking about extenstion like SSE, I am talking about standard X86-32. although it will run on all x86 cpu, but as differnt cpu had differnt timing, the result will be differnt. a same source code compile by different compiler will had differnt bin, so if all of them are the same, why there is differnt?

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 . 香江
#3 : 2003-11-5 04:39 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

"AOI 寫到 : 是您設定錯誤的吧!!!


它的機子是 AMD XP2600+ Barton (FSB 333/L2 512) DDR RAM 512MB 雙通道喔!!!
我的機子是Intel Celeron 2.4G (128k/478p)  DDR RAM 256MB 400單通道耶!!!


還有就是有人說公司採購都買Intel ..那是當然的呀!!!

畢竟 英特爾的CPU比較便宜200塊..一間公司的採購..包掛液晶螢幕+主版+ram都是很大的一筆花費..試著想 差價 $ 200 再 乘 50台電腦(多則上百台啦!!!)..那很嚇人呢!!!

把SSE2 turn off, 看看如何....
p.s. 有用PAT的人... 小心小心

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 . 香江
#4 : 2003-11-5 04:52 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

"Azure 寫到 : 哇咧..這邊也是Intel VS. AMD....
這種話題到哪都可以吵翻天.... :roll:

不過這裡比BBS好多了, 不是口水戰
事實上..我最喜歡看高手吵架 :twisted:
互相吐巢最好, 只要不是口水戰, 都一定會有很多東西可以學~~

(這樣算不算搧風點火呀 ops: )

據我自己使用經驗, 我做多媒體轉檔(rm->avi)
同樣的過程, P4 2.4G (2.0G oc 2.4G, 120*20, ddr 266*1.2=319) 的速度大概是 AMD 2.0G (2500+ oc 200*10, ddr 400) 兩倍左右..
不過轉檔過程中, P4的CPU使用率約是50~80%, AMD卻維持20~50%..怪怪的 :?:

不過OS不一樣.. P4@win2k, AMD@win98.. 這有影響嗎..

RM-> AVI 所最重要的是HD Speed (Random read & unbuffer write), 1 sec 的AVI有多大多可怕.....

要知道問題在何處,先要知道bottleneck 在什麼

"AOI 寫到 :

用Celeron 300A oc 450 和 dual amd 2400+, MPEG1/2->AVI, 一樣快, avi-> wmv9/quicktime, 不用說吧...
我真想用qual xeon-1M.... 嘩嘩嘩嘩嘩, 該睡了


Eight way POWER5 with 144MB cache revealed

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 . 收花: 564 支
 . 送花: 52 支
 . 比例: 0.09
 . 在線: 2168 小時
 . 瀏覽: 2040 頁
 . 註冊: 8056
 . 失蹤: 2147
 . 香江
#5 : 2003-11-6 07:05 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Just remind everyone, think deeply before get a P4EE....
P4EE=XEON, everybody know, but P4EE had disable the very important ECC function of those large internal cache... ha ha
This is another joke after PAT

before when system hang, we say that is WINDOWS, now we can say "INTEL"

for those want to know basic about RISC/CISC: ... ures/pdf/week12.pdf

basically RISC and CISC is very similar right now (I am talking about the basic)

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