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主題: [閒話家常] 一個關於機率的命題...   字型大小:||| 
等級: 11等級: 11等級: 11等級: 11


 . 積分: 278
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 . 文章: 1188
 . 收花: 1906 支
 . 送花: 2503 支
 . 比例: 1.31
 . 在線: 1444 小時
 . 瀏覽: 5190 頁
 . 註冊: 8121
 . 失蹤: 1828
 . 副總統蹂躪過的桃園
#1 : 2011-4-1 10:35 PM     全部回覆 引言回覆

Because of the game rule make it better chance.
Before open any door, you only have 33% to get the gift one.
But after he opened the wrong door, you can change or keep your door, they are both give you 50% to win the gift.

He must open the wrong door later, so acutally this is a 50% chance of game to win.

I agree this explaination, actually the 1st time selection is just a tricky, because the
host will always open one of the wrong door then to let you select again from 2 doors, so the chance to win this game is 50%.

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