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主題: [新聞] 尺寸太小!南非拒購陸製保險套   字型大小:||| 
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#1 : 2011-9-19 12:49 AM     全部回覆 引言回覆 ... eal-siqamba-medical

High Court Judge Sulet Potterill announced that the Government of South Africa should drop the tender deal of purchasing the female condoms from China-based Company Siqamba Medical.

The Chinese condoms were found to be too small to be used by the people of South Africa and the material like polyurethane was used in the condoms instead of nitrile, which was inappropriate for women.

Moreover, the reports from Beeld newspaper state that these female condoms have been disapproved by World Health Organization, the US Food and Drug Administration Agency and the SA Bureau of Standards.

Also, another company Sekunjalo Investments Corporation had filed a case against the tender. The Company stated that Phoenurse condoms produced by the Chinese company were 20% lesser in size than that of produced by Sekunjalo. Therefore, the court had forbidden the commencement of the 11 million condoms deal with China.

Judge Sulet Potterill favored the Sekunjalo and stated that this Company should be given the contract of supplying the condoms. The decision taken by the court was in concern with avoiding the spread of the incurable disease of HIV/AIDS.

As per the judgment, the Cape Town based Sekunjalo Investments Corporation will be distributing the female condoms in the market of South Africa. These condoms were produced by Female Health Company (FHC), which has been certified by the WHO, FDA and SABS.

高等法院法官Sulet Potterill宣布,南非政府應該放棄對招標採購交易女用避孕套從中國的公司Siqamba醫療。




法官Sulet Potterill贊成Sekunjalo,並指出該公司應考慮到提供的避孕套的合同。由法院作出的決定是在關心避免了無法醫治的疾病傳播艾滋病毒/艾滋病。


不過重點是 南非有5千萬AIDS帶原者
翻譯這則新聞的  只把重點放在尺寸太小......
有沒有人想到  我們政府有沒有用同樣的標準去檢查?

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