from http://bbs.cmu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/bb ... 91DDC/M.914860365.A
1) Learning the Unix Operating System 1565923901 O'reilly/1997
2) Unix in a Nutshell : System V v 2.0 1565920015 O'reilly/1995
3) Essential System Administration: 1565921275 O'reilly/1996
Help for Unix System Administrators
4) TCP/IP Network Administration 1565923227 O'reilly/1998
5) unix system administration handbook 0131510517 PTH/1995
6) Sendmail 1565922220 O'reilly/1997
7) DNS and BIND 1565922360 O'reilly/1997
1) The complete FreeBSD 1517162272 Walnut/1998
***最新版出來了(for 3.0)!!但台灣還只看得到for 2.2.7的版本....
1) A Practical Guide to Linux 0201895498 A-W/1997
***(A Practical Guide to UNIX的再版)
Linus寫序提到, 他當初就是用這本書學Unix, 沒想到七年後很榮幸的為
2) Running Linux 1565921518 O'Reilly/1996
3) Linux Network Administrator's Guide 1565920872 O'Reilly/1995
1) Solaris System Administrator's Guide 157870040X Macmillan/1998
2) Solaris : Advanced System Administrator's Guide 1578700396 Macmillan/1998
3) Solaris Performance Administration : 0070117683 McGraw Hil/1998
Performance Measurement, Fine Tuning, and Capacity Planning for
Releases 2.5.1 and 2.6 Solaris Servers
1) maximum Security:A hacker's guide to 0672313413 Sams/1998
protecting your internet site and network
2) Cracking Des : Secrets of Encryption 1565925203 O'reilly/1998
Research, Wiretap Politics & Chip Design
3) Practical Unix and Internet Security 1565921488 O'reilly/1996
【Shell 程式設計】
1) UNIX SHELLS by example 0134608666 PTH/1998
***錯誤頗多,但卻是一本好的shell programming入門書
===>對於shell programming,其實很多介紹unix的書上面都會有簡單的介紹,但真正
1) managing projects with make 0937175900 O'reilly/1993
2) programming with GUN SOFTWARE 1565921127 O'reilly/1997
3) UNIX power tools 1565922603 O'reilly/1997
1) Operating System concepts 0201591138 A-W/1997
***大學教科書(operating system),俗稱"恐龍書"。
2) Modern operating system 9813076623 PTH/1996
3) Operating systems design and implememtation 0136301959 PTH/1997
***大學教科書(advanced operating system)
4) Distributed Operating systems 0131439340 PTH/1995
1) Unix internals -the new frontiers 0131019082 PTH/1996
***深入UNIX.....進階用書(SVR4 BSD都有討論)
2) 4.4 BSD Operating System 0201549794 A-W/1996
3) The Magic Garden Explained : The 0130981389 PTH/1994
Internals of Unix System V Release 4 : An Open Systems Design
4) The Design of the UNIX operating system 0132017997 PTH/1986
5) Lions' Commentary on Unix : With Source Code 1573980137 Peer to Peer/1996
6) Unix Internals : A Practical Approach 020187721X A-W/1996
7) Unix Systems for Modern Architecture 0201633388 A-W/1994
: Symmetric Multiprocesssing and Caching for Kernel Programmers
8) The Linux Kernel Book 0471981419 Wiley/1998
9) Linux Kernel Internals 0201331438 A-W/1997
***討論linux kernel的書,恐龍書上在linux部分的reference
1) Advanced programming in the UNIX environment 0201563177 A-W/1992
***Richard Steven所著,十分適合對系統,C有基礎的人入門
2) UNIX systems programming(for SVR4) 1565921631 O'relly/1997
3) internetworking with TCP/IP vol 1: 0132169878 PTH/1995
Principles, Protocols, and Architecture
4) internetworking with TCP/IP vol 2: 0130102210 PTH/1999
design,implementation and internals
5) internetworking with TCP/IP vol 3: 0132621487 PTH/1996
client-server programming and application
6) TCP/IP illustrated vol 1 0201633469 A-W/1994
7) TCP/IP illustrated vol 2 020163354x A-W/1995
8) TCP/IP illustrated vol 3 0201634953 A-W/1996
***以上三本乃Richard Steven所著,影響小弟甚深,bible級讀物。
vol 1&3入門,vol 2進階
9) UNIX network programming 1/ed 9813026537 PTH/1994
10)UNIX network programming 2/ed 0136493289 PTH/1998
vol 1:networking API:Sockets and XTI
***以上兩本亦為Richard Steven所著,第一本為第一版,小弟無緣
11)UNIX network Programming 2/ed 0130810819 PTH/1998
vol 2: Interprocess Communications
1) C : How to Program 0132261197 PTH/1994
2) the c progamming language 0131103628 PTH/1988
***K&R所著,乃C之bible中的bible,為c programmer 必讀之書藉。
1) C++ primer 0201824701 A-W/1998
2) the C++ programming language 0201889544 A-W/1998
3) The Design and Evolution of C++ 0201543303 A-W/1994
4) The Annotated C++ Reference Manual 0201514591 A-W/1990
5) Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms 0201548550 A-W/1991
6) C++ Programming Style 0201563657 A-W/1992
7) C++ Strategies and Tactics 0201563827 A-W/1993
1) The java Tutorial 2/ed 0201310074 A-W/1998
2) Java in a Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference 156592262x O'reilly/1997
3) The java Class Libraries 2/ed vol 1 0201310023 A-W/1998
4) The java Class Libraries 2/ed vol 2 0201310031 A-W/1998
1) IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming 0137566107 PTH/1997
【Computer Architecture】
1) Computer Organization and Design : 1558604286 Morgan/1997
The Hardware/Software Interface
2) Computer Architecture : 1558603298 Morgan/1996
A Quantitative Approach
3) Computer Architecture : Concepts and Evolution 0201105578 A-W/1997